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Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 24, 2018

Romney Failed to Win at Utah Convention, but Few Believe He's Doomed
The 2012 G.O.P. presidential nominee, running for an open Senate seat, faced conservatives who disliked his ideological swerving, and a fear among hard-right activists that they were losing power.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 23, 2018

After Late Vote Switch, Senate Panel Approves Pompeo for Secretary of State
Minutes before a committee vote, Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, bowed to pressure and backed the confirmation of Mike Pompeo to be secretary of state.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 23, 2018

The Fight for Wisconsin Is On as Outside Money Pours Into Senate Race
National Democrats were shocked in 2016 when a Republican presidential nominee carried Wisconsin for the first time since 1984. Now both parties see a key Senate race as a crucial test before 2020.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 23, 2018

For Politicians Scraping Bottom, a Scarce Resource: Impeachment Lawyers
Despite the high stakes and bright lights, the nation's statehouse impeachment bar is but a handful of battle-tested lawyers. The next test may be in Missouri.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 22, 2018

America Abhors Impeachment
America has only ever impeached two presidents, but both remained in office.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 22, 2018

How Trump is Changing the Way His Party Talks
As the midterm elections approach, some Republican candidates are not only embracing President Trump's policies but also his tone and catchphrases.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 22, 2018

‘I Was Trump Before Trump Was Trump'
Republican candidates all over are parroting the president, spouting his catchphrases and donning his hats as they try to show loyalty.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 21, 2018

Mitt Romney Fails to Bypass Utah Primary for U.S. Senate
Far-right delegates at the Republican Party's state convention narrowly preferred Mike Kennedy, adding him to the ballot. Mr. Romney had already secured his spot by collecting signatures.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 21, 2018

The Republicans' Big Senate Mess
A convict in West Virginia, bondage in Missouri and a wacky contest for control of the chamber.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Apr 20, 2018

Caution, Babies Voting
Now, all the infants in the Senate aren't elected.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 31, 2018

North Korean Defector, Honored by Trump, Has a Remarkable Escape Story
Ji Seong-ho, a defector from North Korea who lost an arm and a leg at 13, traveled thousands of miles on crutches to make it to the South.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 30, 2018

State of the Union Makes Washington Normal Again. Briefly. Kind Of.
In a chaotic capital, an annual ritual brings back a feeling of normalcy.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 29, 2018

Please Don't Call Him Presidential
Let's not pretend that Trump's State of the Union performance matters.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 29, 2018

Senate Rejects Measure to Ban Abortion After 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
In a vote that fell mostly along party lines, Republicans aimed to force vulnerable Democrats to take a stand ahead of the midterm elections.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 28, 2018

The Gathering Threat to Abortion Rights
An expected procedural vote in the Senate on a 20-week abortion ban highlights the need for the public to vote in November's midterms.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 28, 2018

Republicans Show Little Urgency on Legislation to Protect Mueller
Democrats have stepped up calls to protect the special counsel after revelations of the president's attempt to fire him. But Republicans appeared to settle on warnings instead.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 28, 2018

Congress, It's Time to Pay Musicians
Passing the "Music Bus" bill would go a long way to helping musicians earn a better paycheck.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 28, 2018

Rubio Fires Chief of Staff After Misconduct Allegations
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said he and his general counsel had found evidence that an employee had "violated office policies regarding proper relations."

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 27, 2018

As Gridlock Deepens in Congress, Only Gloom Is Bipartisan
Republicans warn of a dark plot to overthrow the Trump government and Democrats talk of a creeping authoritarianism unchecked by Congress. A near-permanent state of gridlock threatens to diminish American democracy itself.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 26, 2018

Senate Democrats Seek to Protect Mueller From Being Fired
The Democratic leadership is seeking to ensure that budget negotiations include legislation to protect the special counsel in the Russia inquiry.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 25, 2018

Politics Shouldn't Be Like Open Mic Night
Amateur candidates can refresh government — but they can also magnify polarization and dysfunction.

Politics - U.S. Senate
Jan 25, 2018

We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us
The most significant long-term threat to United States national security may be our political polarization.

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