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Foreign Policy
Apr 24, 2018

Mike Pompeo Needs to Clean Up After Rex Tillerson
The new secretary of state should focus on rebuilding his department.

Foreign Policy
Apr 24, 2018

Merkel Has Disastrously Bungled Her Relationship With Trump
The chancellor's approach has been typical of German foreign policy: moralistic, hypocritical — and completely ineffective.

Foreign Policy
Apr 23, 2018

Sometimes Armenian Protests Are Just Armenian Protests
Not every post-Soviet revolution is about the geopolitics of Russia.

Foreign Policy
Apr 23, 2018

Macron's Centrism Is Coming Apart at the Seams
The French president spent his first year steering his country to the right — and his supporters on the left are starting to wonder what they signed up for.

Foreign Policy
Apr 23, 2018

Security Brief: Kim Pledges to Halt Testing; Macron Comes to Washington
Public posturing begins ahead of planned summit.

Foreign Policy
Apr 23, 2018

Bolton's Pick for Deputy Could Roil Pentagon Relations
Mira Ricardel clashed with Defense Secretary James Mattis's team in the early days of Trump's presidency.

Foreign Policy
Apr 23, 2018

China's $6 Billion Propaganda Blitz Is a Snooze
Beijing's propaganda works at home, but it can't compete globally.

Foreign Policy
Apr 21, 2018

Human Rights Groups Bristling at State Department Report
What's not in the report is as important as what's in it.

Foreign Policy
Apr 20, 2018

Make the Summit of the Americas Great Again
The Western Hemisphere needs a more ambitious agenda.

Foreign Policy
Apr 20, 2018

Congress Has Willfully Abdicated Its Responsibility Over War
It's time for legislators to share in the authority they claim to want.

Foreign Policy
Apr 20, 2018

Emmanuel Macron's Critique of Pure Liberalism
It's not an accident that Donald Trump's closest foreign friend is the French president.

Foreign Policy
Apr 20, 2018

The Scramble for Africa's Athletes
Shady sports agents have taken a page from human traffickers. They're luring young men to Europe with promises of fame and exploiting them instead.

Foreign Policy
Apr 20, 2018

What Comes Next in Syria?
With President Trump's strikes on Assad's regime, the Syrian civil war is at the forefront of the global political stage. But what happens when the strikes are over?

Foreign Policy
Apr 20, 2018

Lost in the Middle East
The incoherence of Washington's Syria policy is a symptom of its failure to define a new role in the world.

Foreign Policy
Apr 20, 2018

Turkey Wants to Veto Civil Society Organizations at the OSCE
It wouldn't be the first time Erdogan took domestic politics to the international arena.

Foreign Policy
Apr 19, 2018

Trump Is Moving in the Right Direction on North Korea
The risks of a summit remain high. But diplomacy works.

Foreign Policy
Apr 19, 2018

Peacekeepers Shouldn't Always Be Peaceful
The United Nations needs to accept that it's possible to fight and broker peace agreements at the same time.

Foreign Policy
Apr 18, 2018

Trump Needs a Plan for Israel's Confrontation With Iran
Tehran and Moscow are becoming the arbiters of the Middle East — and Israel's relationship with both is growing increasingly tense.

Foreign Policy
Apr 18, 2018

Pompeo North Korea Visit Throws Wrench in Confirmation Fight
The behind-the-scenes effort to rally enough senators to confirm Pompeo just got tougher.

Foreign Policy
Apr 18, 2018

Army Service Could Be the Answer to Europe's Integration Problem
The EU's defense forces are struggling to recruit, and immigrants are often eager to serve.

Foreign Policy
Apr 18, 2018

When Diplomacy Disappears
The Trump Administration's lack of engagement has made the terrorist threat worse.

Foreign Policy
Apr 18, 2018

Everyone in France Wants to Claim the Legacy of 1968
Leftists want to celebrate revolutionary idealism; conservatives, the triumph of traditional authority. And Emmanuel Macron is trying to split the difference.

Foreign Policy
Apr 18, 2018

The Chinese Communist Party Is Setting Up Cells at Universities Across America
It's a strategy to tighten ideological control. And it's happening around the world.

Foreign Policy
Apr 18, 2018

Greece and Turkey Are Inching Toward War
Populists in both countries are deepening a rare military crisis between NATO allies.

Foreign Policy
Apr 17, 2018

Andrés Manuel López Obrador Is No Hugo Chávez
The real problem with the Mexican presidential frontrunner isn't his populism. It's his old-fashioned ideas.

Foreign Policy
Jan 30, 2018

Before Trump's Speech, More Bad News From the Afghan Front
As Trump prepares to rally support for the 16-year mission in his State of the Union address, the Pentagon is reluctant to divulge details about the war effort.

Foreign Policy
Jan 30, 2018

Here's How the U.S. and EU Can Thwart Iranian Missile Programs
It's time for both sides of the Atlantic to get tough on Tehran.

Foreign Policy
Jan 30, 2018

Is a Court Case in Texas the First Prosecution of a ‘Black Identity Extremist'?
The FBI is looking for terrorists. Civil rights advocates say it is targeting people engaged in free speech.

Foreign Policy
Jan 30, 2018

Trump Administration Says No to New Russia Sanctions, Yes to Cribbing From Forbes
"They just copied the Kremlin phone book."

Foreign Policy
Jan 30, 2018

Iraq's Militias Set Their Sights on Political Power
With elections looming in May and the Islamic State on the run, the Popular Mobilization Forces are eyeing politics.

Foreign Policy
Jan 30, 2018

Trump's Sound and Fury Has Signified Nothing
The president's style has been unique, but the substance of his foreign policy is surprisingly familiar.

Foreign Policy
Jan 29, 2018

Canada and Mexico Prepare for Life After NAFTA
Canada and Mexico aren't bending to U.S. demands, because they've got alternative trading partners.

Foreign Policy
Jan 29, 2018

On the U.N. Human Rights Council, Quitters Are Losers
The United States should stay and fight, not cut and run.

Foreign Policy
Jan 29, 2018

America's Military Is Choking on Old Technology
As its rivals invest in new military hardware, Washington is stuck refurbishing obsolete equipment.

Foreign Policy
Jan 29, 2018

How a Girl Band May Unify Korea
How to solve the Korean crisis through the power of kitschy, hyperpatriotic pop music.

Foreign Policy
Jan 29, 2018

Iran Is Losing Its Jihad on Tobacco
The Islamic Republic's anti-smoking campaign is yet another example of the government's shaky control over its population.

Foreign Policy
Jan 29, 2018

SitRep: Defense Budget Gets a Boost; Trump Haunts NATO
Trump budget document foresees huge budget increase for Pentagon.

Foreign Policy
Jan 29, 2018

Trump's Shadow Hangs Over NATO
A year since Trump entered office, European allies are relieved the alliance is still standing, but U.S. leadership remains in doubt.

Foreign Policy
Jan 26, 2018

Trump Launched Campaign to Discredit Potential FBI Witnesses
The president targeted three bureau officials who could provide key testimony in the Mueller probe.

Foreign Policy
Jan 26, 2018

Never Mind the Troika, Here's Rouvikonas
Greece's prolonged austerity has given rise to a movement of middle-class anarchism.

Foreign Policy
Jan 26, 2018

Enemy of the State
Bill Browder helped craft U.S. policy toward Russia. Was it for the better?

Foreign Policy
Jan 26, 2018

Jeremy Corbyn's Anti-Imperial Nostalgia
The British Labour leader's worldview is antiquated, authoritarian, and dangerous.

Foreign Policy
Jan 25, 2018

Welcome to Syria 2.0
The country's civil war is over — and an entirely new one has started, with the United States at the center of it.

Foreign Policy
Jan 25, 2018

After ISIS
The vice president wants aid to go Christians and other minorities targeted by the Islamic State. But others fear it could increase sectarian strife.

Foreign Policy
Jan 25, 2018

How to Stop the War Between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds
Fighting between two vital U.S. allies will only strengthen Assad and Iran.

Foreign Policy
Jan 24, 2018

Egypt's Undemocratic Election
Under Sisi's iron fist, only one candidate is allowed to run.

Foreign Policy
Jan 24, 2018

If a President Is Dying, and Nobody Says Anything, Does It Make a Sound?
The Czech Republic's populist president is running for re-election — and his ailing health is an open secret.

Foreign Policy
Jan 24, 2018

Trump Should Abide by His Own National Security Strategy
The United States could restore its global influence by adhering to its commitments.

Foreign Policy
Jan 24, 2018

U.S. Sanctions Weapon Is Under Threat — but Not From Bitcoin
Forget cryptocurrencies. The real threat to American sanctions power is rapid technological innovation in finance.

Foreign Policy
Jan 24, 2018

China's Understanding of Global Order Shouldn't Be Ours
Contrary to what Niall Ferguson suggests, if the liberal international system gets reduced to economics, it will no longer exist.

Foreign Policy
Jan 24, 2018

Nixing the Iran Deal Would Be Better Than a Fake Fix
If Congress can't do the job right, it shouldn't bother.

Foreign Policy
Jan 23, 2018

Turkey Wants to Crush U.S. Allies in Syria. That Shouldn't Surprise Anybody.
America's partners are at each other's throats, and Washington doesn't have a plan to pull them apart.

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