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NYT Homeland Press Releases
Apr 20, 2018

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border
The Trump administration says it separates immigrant families only when necessary to protect the child. But the government's own figures show this has happened in more than 700 cases.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Apr 17, 2018

U.S. Vetting System Already Robust Before Travel Ban, Report Finds
A ramped-up immigration system after the 9/11 terror attacks put strict limits on foreign travelers even before President Trump's "extreme vetting" order.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Apr 04, 2018

Trump's Irrational Border Plan
The president's decision to send National Guard troops to the nation's southern border is rooted more in xenophobia than in facts.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Apr 04, 2018

Trump Will Work With Governors to Deploy National Guard to the Border
"It's time to act," said Kirstjen Nielsen, the secretary of homeland security, as she outlined the policy during a White House briefing.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Mar 27, 2018

Homeland Security Chief Warns Adversaries Against Election Meddling
In a closed-door meeting, Kirstjen Nielsen, the homeland security chief, also vowed retaliation against nations that interfere in the midterm elections this year.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Mar 21, 2018

Efforts to Secure Elections Moving Too Slowly, Senators Tell Homeland Security Chief
"When I listen to your testimony, I hear no sense of urgency to really get on top of this issue," one member of the Senate Intelligence Committee told Kirstjen Nielsen.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Mar 17, 2018

Smuggling of U.S. Technology Is Outpacing Cold War Levels, Experts Say
China, Russia, North Korea and Iran are relying on smuggling rings to secure equipment that can be used for weapons, satellites and fighter jets.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Mar 12, 2018

Trump Plans to View Wall Prototypes. Here Are Some He Won't See.
The government asked for "innovative design." In response, proposals envisioned concepts like a vivid pink wall, one topped by a monorail and a moat with nuclear waste.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Mar 06, 2018

Spooked by Trump Proposals, Immigrants Abandon Public Nutrition Services
Fearful of hurting their citizenship eligibility or being deported, families are said to be dropping out of the programs even before the administration's immigration policies are in place.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Mar 01, 2018

Spurned by U.S. and Facing Danger Back Home, Iranian Christians Fear the Worst
The United States rejected 100 Iranians, mainly members of Christian minorities, who had applied for refugee status under a law offering religious protections.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 29, 2018

New Scrutiny Coming for Refugees From 11 "High-Risk" Nations
The Trump administration is resuming the admission of refugees from 11 countries, most of them predominantly Muslim, but they will undergo more vetting.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 19, 2018

What Will Happen if the Government Remains Shut Down
Hundreds of thousands of federal workers would be furloughed, affecting a wide range of government programs.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 19, 2018

Travel Ban Caught Homeland Security by Surprise, Report Concludes
Agents were given little notice and conflicting guidance on how to enforce President Trump's first travel ban last year, leading to chaos at airports.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 19, 2018

Leaving Africa, and Living in Limbo
Andre Twendele survived a firing squad and years in a refugee camp. He won a visa and left his wife in the camp to prepare for her arrival in America. Then Trump was elected.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 17, 2018

John Kelly, Deacon of Deportation
The White House chief of staff has much to do with Trump's anti-immigration policies.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 16, 2018

White House Fuels Immigration Debate With Terrorism Statistics
A Trump administration report concluded that the vast majority of convicted terrorists were immigrants. But it relied on confusing and misleading data.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 12, 2018

Trump Administration Wants More Control Over U.S. Lands for Border Wall
"This should set off all kinds of red flags," said one advocate, fearing the land grab will violate civil liberties. Others say it will harm the environment.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 10, 2018

‘Trump Effect' Wears Off as Migrants Resume Their Northward Push
The number of border crossings is on the rise as migrants and smugglers appear no longer deterred by the president's crackdown on illegal immigration.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 09, 2018

Don't Deport the Salvadorans
The humanitarian reasons those who escaped their quake-damaged homeland should be allowed to stay far outweigh the legal reasons to send them home.

NYT Homeland Press Releases
Jan 09, 2018

From Offices to Disney World, Employers Brace for the Loss of an Immigrant Work Force
The Trump administration's ending of temporary legal status for Salvadorans and Haitians means that employers who depend on them will have to look harder for help.

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