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WSJ World Markets
Apr 19, 2018

Hong Kong's Bill for Defending Its Peg Is $6.5 Billion and Counting
The Hong Kong dollar has been mostly depreciating against its U.S. counterpart since the beginning of last year, driven by a wide gap between U.S. and Hong Kong interest rates.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 18, 2018

Economic Officials Optimistic on World Growth, Despite Trade Tensions
Economic policy makers gathering in Washington are sticking to optimistic global growth forecasts in the face of growing risks, foremost being trade tensions that have unsettled financial markets.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 17, 2018

China to Release $200 Billion for Banks With Cut in Reserve Requirement
The central bank will reduce by 1 percentage point the amount of reserves commercial banks are required to hold, freeing up funds for banks to lend and repay short-term loans and signaling fresh worries about slowing momentum for economic growth.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 17, 2018

India Tries to Cool Cash-Shortage Concerns
With a cash shortage in parts of India reviving memories of the great currency squeeze of 2016, authorities sought to allay concerns, saying the problem is limited to pockets of the country and would be fixed soon.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 17, 2018

Russia's Cheap Stocks Show What 'Value' Misses
Russian stocks are cheap on every measure. But the cheapness shows up the trouble with simple "value" strategies.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 16, 2018

The Surprising Winners in Stormy Markets
It has been a rough ride this year for many of 2017's winning trades. But one region is weathering the market storm relatively well: Southern Europe.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 16, 2018

If You're a Chinese Stock With Hainan in Your Name, Monday Was a Good Day
Shares of companies with the word "Hainan" in their names surged Monday—an otherwise down day for Chinese stocks—after President Xi Jinping pledged that the country's Hainan province would become a free-trade zone.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 15, 2018

What's Sucking the Air Out of Gold's Rallies?
Gold prices are locked in a tug of war, with investors piling in during periods of political stress only to pull out when interest rates look poised to rise.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 15, 2018

Bond Investors Punish Russian Companies After U.S. Sanctions
U.S. sanctions on certain Russian oligarchs and firms are rippling across the economy, threatening to punish more than a dozen other Russian companies that need to refinance $22.8 billion in international bonds over the next 18 months.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 13, 2018

Global Banks Face Chill of Russian Sanctions
Six months ago, Russia's En Group listed on the London Stock Exchange, cheered on by big-name banks. Today, many of those banks are racing to disentangle themselves following the latest wave of U.S. sanctions.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 13, 2018

ECB Worried About Trade Wars, Euro's Strength at March Meeting
The European Central Bank is fretting about the risk of trade wars and a stronger euro just as data suggest the eurozone's long-awaited economic recovery is losing speed.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 13, 2018

Hong Kong Monetary Authority Defends Currency's Dollar Peg for Second Time This Week
Hong Kong's de facto central bank said it bought 2.44 billion Hong Kong dollars and sold US$311 million early Friday, to prevent the financial hub's currency from weakening beyond its permitted trading range.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 13, 2018

Qatar, Under Pressure from Saudi Arabia, Raises Billions in Foreign Debt
Qatar moved to raise billions of dollars from foreign investors, days after Saudi Arabia surprised investors with a sale of $11 billion in bonds, as it wrestles with economic pressure from a trade boycott engineered by its neighbors.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 12, 2018

Why Emerging-Market Stocks Are Outperforming the U.S.
Emerging-market stocks are outperforming their U.S. counterparts this year, the latest sign investor appetite for risk remains robust despite rising trade tensions.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 11, 2018

China Takes Step Toward Opening Its Financial Markets to the World
China has pledged to launch a stock trading link between Shanghai and London by the end of this year.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 09, 2018

Saudi Arabia's Tiny Exchange Prepares to Host World's Biggest IPO
Saudi Arabia's stock exchange is the only confirmed home for oil giant Aramco when it goes public. The possible largest-ever IPO has the potential to overwhelm an exchange whose holdings are valued less than Apple.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 09, 2018

Europe's Boom Reawakens the Ghost of Crisis Past: Debt
Economic optimism, low interest rates and fierce banking competition have pushed private-sector lending to its highest level since the financial crisis. That would be good if it wasn't for the region's already high debt.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 09, 2018

U.S. Sanctions Take a Toll on Russian Markets
Russian markets convulsed in the wake of new U.S. sanctions, as the ruble tumbled and domestic and foreign investors dumped Russian stocks.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 09, 2018

Bank of Japan Chief Warns of Trade-War Fallout
Bank of Japan Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda opened his new five-year term with a warning about the impact of a U.S.-China trade fight, saying the world has become more connected and many countries could be affected.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 09, 2018

After Zimbabwe Strongman's Fall, a Pledge to Investors
"Zimbabwe is open for business," says new President Emmerson Mnangagwa, whose efforts to overhaul a dilapidated economy have secured billions of dollars in foreign investment commitments. Other investors are waiting to see what happens next.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 05, 2018

Emerging Markets Hang on the Fate of Silicon Valley
Technology shares now dominate emerging markets like commodities once did, leaving those indexes even more exposed than U.S. benchmarks to selloffs in the sector.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 05, 2018

South Korea Detains Cryptocurrency Executives on Embezzlement Allegations
South Korean prosecutors detained the heads of two cryptocurrency exchanges for allegedly embezzling customers' assets, the latest in a string of enforcement actions tied to suspected malfeasance in the country's bitcoin market.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 04, 2018

Spotify's IPO in New York Puts European Tech Sector in Spotlight
The market has spoken: Europe is home to the globe's newest tech giant. Sweden's Spotify Technology burst onto the public markets this week in New York, heartening news for European tech and its potential startups.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 04, 2018

Abu Dhabi Investor Takes Stake in Venture Capital Firm 500 Startups
A United Arab Emirates-based investment company said it is taking a large minority stake in 500 Startups, the first time the Silicon Valley startup accelerator's parent has accepted outside funding.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 03, 2018

So Far So Good: Financial Firms Commit to London Despite Brexit Concerns
Two years after the U.K. vote to exit from the EU set off alarms in the London office market that tenants and investors would flee the city, the market is proving to be surprisingly resilient.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 03, 2018

U.S. Pork Producers, Fruit Growers Brace for China Tariffs
The escalating trade tensions between Beijing and Washington have pulled America's farmers and agricultural exporters into the melee.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 02, 2018

Cobalt Extends Roaring 2017 Run, Fueled by Use in Batteries, Computer Chips
The metal is one of this year's best-performing assets, surging more than 20% and outpacing other commodities.

WSJ World Markets
Apr 02, 2018

Iraqi Stocks Defy Global Swings
Iraq's stock market is defying the violent swings that have struck the global markets this year. The country's main stock index is up more than 10% this year, as investors bet on post-Islamic State economic recovery.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 25, 2018

World Bank Chief Economist Paul Romer Resigns
World Bank Chief Economist Paul Romer has resigned, according to a memo viewed by The Wall Street Journal.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 24, 2018

Mexico to Auction 37 Oil Blocks in July
The Mexican government unveiled plans to offer 37 onshore oil blocks in a July auction, which the Energy Ministry estimates could drum up about $3.3 billion in investment.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 24, 2018

As Markets and Growth Steam Ahead, Signs of Caution Emerge
The world economy is accelerating and the financial markets are going gangbusters. But there is an undertone of anxiety among delegates at the annual meeting in Davos.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 22, 2018

Listed Chinese Firms Bought $192 Billion Worth of Opaque Products in 2017
Chinese companies are buying more high-yielding investment products that are sold by banks to raise funds and boost lending, a potentially troubling sign for China's debt-fueled economy.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 18, 2018

The Cashless Society Has Arrived---Only It's in China
Mobile payments have surged to some $9 trillion a year, way ahead of the U.S., changing how people shop, borrow—and even panhandle. The growth foretells a future where tech firms like Alibaba and Tencent drive innovation in finance.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 04, 2018

Why Alibaba's Jack Ma Can't Seem to Win Over the U.S.
Ant Financial's failed bid to acquire Dallas-based MoneyGram was the latest in a string of setbacks for the Chinese billionaire, whose companies have long sought to establish beachheads in America.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 03, 2018

Never Mind the Defaults, Venezuela Has Made Many Bondholders Rich
Venezuela's bonds have lost about three-quarters of their value, reflecting a dozen missed payments by the government and the state-owned oil company. But a number of bond investors have made their money back and more.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 03, 2018

China's Yuan Setting Is Highest Since May 2016
China's central bank guided the yuan to its highest level against the U.S. dollar in more than a year and a half, following the dollar's overnight slide against global currencies.

WSJ World Markets
Jan 03, 2018

The New Floor for Bond Underwriting Fees: $1
Fierce competition to underwrite debt offerings in Asia's booming U.S.-dollar bond market is forcing some big global banks to work on deals for next to nothing.

WSJ World Markets
Dec 28, 2017

Can the Emerging Markets Rally Continue? Here's Where to Look
Emerging markets came roaring back in 2017, boosted by low interest rates that sparked a global search for yield. Here are five things to watch in 2018 that could determine whether this rally continues.

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