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NPR Topics: Business
Apr 24, 2018

Newsroom To 'Chicago Tribune': With 85 Percent Backing, We Have Votes For Union
Tribune journalists give corporate owner Tronc a day to recognize the union voluntarily. Otherwise, they say they will force a federal vote that "will result overwhelmingly in our favor."

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 24, 2018

Amazon Wants To Deliver Packages Inside Your Car
The offer for now is for people who have a 2015 or newer GM car or Volvo with an active OnStar or Volvo On Call account. It's an extension of Amazon's program to deliver packages inside homes.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 24, 2018

Protection For The Steel Industry Is As Old As America
The U.S. steel industry has enjoyed protection from foreign competitors since the 1790s. It says new import tariffs are actually just leveling the playing field and shouldn't be labeled "protection."

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 24, 2018

Sean Hannity's Real Estate Portfolio Raises Journalism Ethics Questions
The talk show host reportedly amassed a big real estate portfolio during the foreclosure crisis. Some homes were purchased with HUD support, which he didn't reveal when interviewing the HUD secretary.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 24, 2018

China's Top Employers Routinely Publish Sexist Job Ads, Study Says
A new report from Human Rights Watch claims that in China, despite economic growth and more opportunities for women, gender discrimination in job recruitment remains a serious problem.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 24, 2018

Facebook Updates Community Standards, Expands Appeals Process
The social media company announced changes to its community standards, releasing internal review guidelines and allowing appeals of content removal decisions.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 24, 2018

After Diesel Scandal, VW Turns To New Leadership And Electric Cars
The German auto giant has a new top management and a new focus. The diesel scandal helped drive VW toward investing in electric cars, but other major automakers are betting on a plug-in future too.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 23, 2018

3 Things You Didn't Know About LA
Los Angeles - it's not what you think.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 23, 2018

What Will Change In Cuba After Castro?
Does a new president signal a new day for Cubans?

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 23, 2018

How The Tiny Nation Of Georgia Became A Bitcoin Behemoth
The former Soviet nation of Georgia now consumes more power in mining cryptocurrencies than the United States. What's going on?

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 23, 2018

Teachers Share Anger, Frustration Over Grants Turned Into Loans
A federal program meant to encourage young teachers has, instead, saddled thousands of them with unexpected debts. "I was in shock," says Mikayla Rhone, a teacher in Nebraska.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 23, 2018

Alexa, Tell Me A National Security Secret: Amazon's Reach Goes Beyond The Post Office
It's little known that the CIA uses Amazon Web Services to store its data, and, now, it's the favorite for a big-money Pentagon contract to do the same. Amazon's tentacles go to other agencies, too.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 23, 2018

Building Museum Exhibit Chronicles Scourge Of Evictions, Homelessness
An exhibit at the National Building Museum has been adapted from Matthew Desmond's 2017 Pulitzer-Prize-winning book Eviction: Poverty and Profit in the American City into an "immersive" experience.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 21, 2018

Puerto Rico Board, Governor Clash Over Finances
Still reeling from damages caused by Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico's financial situation is in major free fall. The federal oversight board ordered Gov. Ricardo Rosselló to cut public pensions by 10 percent.

NPR Topics: Business
Apr 21, 2018

On LA's Sunset Strip, A New Golden Age Of Billboards
Traditional advertising is on the decline, but billboards targeting Hollywood's elite are shining. Tech and entertainment companies have boosted spending to keep their brands in conspicuous places.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

Lawmakers Agree On Paid Family Leave, But Not The Details
Passage of paid family leave laws in states like Washington is spurring federal lawmakers from both parties to float their own proposals, but so far support is not bridging party lines.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

New Fed Chief Sees Interest Rates Continuing To Rise As Economy Strengthens
The central bank remains on track to boost rates gradually, Jerome Powell told Congress on Tuesday in his first testimony as Fed chairman. He said he has seen the economy picking up since December.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

Education Department Wants To Protect Student-Loan Debt Collectors
The Trump administration is considering a policy change to prevent states from making tough demands of companies that collect student loan debt, according to an internal document obtained by NPR.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

A Hip Charleston Restaurant Where Women Are The Boss
The #MeToo movement has forced many restaurants and chefs to confront sexual harassment in their own ranks. At Cannon Green, where women mentor other women, the atmosphere seems much less turbulent.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

NFL To Demand Cowboys Owner Reimburse Legal Fees, Reports Say
The NFL wants Jerry Jones to pay more than $2 million in fees after he threatened to derail Commissioner Goodell's contract extension and engaged in other battles, according to published reports.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

Rapper 50 Cent, Who Bragged About Owning Bitcoin, Now Denies It
Last month, the artist, whose is filing for bankruptcy, said he "forgot" he owned the cryptocurrency, which by some estimates would have been worth nearly $8 million.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

How Movie Darling Mary Pickford Became The Most Powerful Woman In Hollywood
The producer, studio head and Oscar-winning actress would have been the envy of today's industry women. How did she get all that power a century ago? It started with her popularity as a star.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

New Front In Data Privacy At The Supreme Court: Can U.S. Seize Emails Stored Abroad?
The Supreme Court to decide whether a U.S. warrant can compel Microsoft to turn over a user's emails stored in Ireland.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 27, 2018

Georgia's Lt. Gov. Threatens To Kill Tax Break For Delta Air Lines Amid NRA Spat
Republican Casey Cagle says he will "kill" pending legislation to give Delta a tax exemption on jet fuel after the carrier said it was ending its discount for NRA members.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 26, 2018

Pension Funds Under Pressure To Sell Off Investments In Gun-Makers
Since the mass killing at a Parkland, Fla., school this month, many teachers have called on funds to sell their stakes in gun-makers. But some fund managers say that may not lead to industry change.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 26, 2018

Productivity With A Side of Chicken
Why productivity could be the most important data point in the economy... and how did KFC manage to run out of chicken in the UK - for an entire week?

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 26, 2018

An Anarchist Explains How Hackers Could Cause Global Chaos
On the TV show Mr. Robot, the lead character is a hacker who breaks into computer systems to promote a cause. Real-life hacktivist Barrett Brown believes the U.S. government is fundamentally corrupt.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 26, 2018

Pepper Co-Op Helps Kosovo's War Widows Reclaim Their Lives
After losing hundreds of their husbands and sons in the Balkan War, one village of war widows is taking charge of its finances and well-being by jarring and selling the region's famous pepper spread.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 26, 2018

Automakers Say Trump's Anti-NAFTA Push Could Upend Their Industry
As the administration seeks to redo the North American Free Trade Agreement, the industry is watching the talks closely. Automakers say changes could drive up costs, making them less competitive.

NPR Topics: Business
Feb 26, 2018

The Long, Obvious Path To Corporations Being People
A new book argues that "Citizens United" was decades in the making.

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