Setup News Ticker
Apr 24, 2018

What to Expect from a Post-Castro Cuba
Cuba has a new leader, Miguel Diaz-Canel. But former president Raul Castro remains in a position of control over the key drivers of the country's economy, experts say.

Apr 20, 2018

For Haier's Zhang Ruimin, Success Means Creating the Future
The chairman and CEO of the Haier Group believes that the company's user-centric model of micro enterprises is a key pillar of growth.

Apr 20, 2018

What Brands Can Learn from Starbucks' Crisis Response
The arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia coffee shop should be treated as a broad-based wake-up call for Starbucks -- and for other brands as well, experts say.

Apr 19, 2018

How Big Data Can Make a Big Difference in HR
HR has been slow to adopt data analytics. SAP's chief learning officer discusses why companies must incorporate data into the HR process and other insights from her new book.

Apr 19, 2018

Optimizing Global Growth: A Software Startup's Solution
Because B2B software is available globally, providers must address the complex requirements of a diverse customer base from day one, according to Compas Global co-founder Yin L. Yin.

Apr 19, 2018

Should the U.S. Extend Individual Tax Breaks Beyond 2025?
The Penn Wharton Budget Model finds that the "extenders" will hurt economic growth and worsen federal debt. Only a serious crisis will trigger corrective action, say experts.

Apr 19, 2018

How Companies Can Instill Mindfulness
Companies that adopt mindfulness and meditation practices for employees see positive returns for individuals and the organization, write two BCG consultants.

Apr 19, 2018

Oaktree's Howard Marks: What's Ahead for the Bull Market
Legendary Wall Street value investor Howard Marks says the big money has already been made in hedge funds, and maybe in private equity and junk bonds too.

Apr 17, 2018

Is It Possible to Change Bad Behavior - Permanently?
What if a simple nudge could help you make better decisions? A new large-scale experiment headed by two Penn researchers aims to help people develop better exercise habits.

Apr 17, 2018

Break the Rules: How Thinking Flexibly Leads to Innovation
Physicist Leonard Mlodinow describes how elastic thinking lets people unleash their inherent creativity, in his new book.

Apr 17, 2018

Can Baby Boomers Succeed in a Millennial World?
Baby boomers, after spending years as the most coveted generation in the workplace, often now feel as if they're getting pushed aside and out.

Apr 13, 2018

How the Tax Structure Can Be Tweaked for Social Good
New Wharton research shows that there could be significant effects from subsidizing professions that offer limited compensation relative to the societal benefits they create.

Apr 13, 2018

How Buyers Can Make the Most of a Tough Housing Market
The latest tax changes may steer people towards renting rather than owning a home, but for those who still want to buy, experts have some advice.

Apr 12, 2018

What Wharton Faculty Would Have Asked Mark Zuckerberg
Members of Congress questioned Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on the social network's privacy practices. Here are questions Wharton faculty would have asked.

Apr 12, 2018

Should Facebook Go Freemium?
Companies like Spotify show that offering a pay-for-service model alongside free access can build a strong network and business. Given Facebook's chellenges, a dual pricing model could be the way to go, notes this opinion piece.

Apr 12, 2018

How a Nonprofit Found a Startling Way to End Child Hunger
Billy Shore, founder of the nonprofit Share Our Strength, discovered an often overlooked way to alleviate child hunger. He shares his story with Wharton professor Katherine Klein.

Apr 12, 2018

Is There a Better Way to Handle Workplace Sexual Harassment?
Companies can handle sexual harassment in a way that prevents further psychological harm to the victim and ultimately benefits the firm, according to sexual trauma researcher Jennifer Freyd.

Apr 10, 2018

How Compassion Can Make You More Successful
Northeastern University's David DeSteno believes you don't have to be a jerk to get ahead. In fact, gratitude, compassion and pride can lead to better outcomes.

Apr 10, 2018

Ziroom: Winning in China's Housing Rental Services Market
The housing rentals market is projected to be a major growth engine in China's real estate sector over the next 10 years. Ziroom is the leader in apartment rental services.

Apr 10, 2018

Colour Life: Using Technology to Reinvent Real Estate Management
Founded in 2002, Colour Life has grown to become one of the world's largest residential property managers, managing over 420 million square meters across more than 3,000 communities in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore. While Colour Life's growth in terms of square meters managed has been impressive, the company's ability to leverage technology in

Apr 10, 2018

Baoku China: An Art-centric Real Estate Platform
Baoku China is using art to enhance property values as well as enrich the lives of residents and the wider community.

Apr 10, 2018

Spotify's Direct Listing: Will Other Unicorns Follow?
The world's largest music streaming service went public last week in a very unusual way -- by eschewing an IPO and opting for a direct listing. Will other high-profile tech firms take the same path?

Apr 09, 2018

Did We Learn the Right Lessons from the Great Recession?
Ten years after the Great Recession began, questions remain about root causes for some analysts. The IMF's Tamim Bayoumi looks at some unexplored areas in a recent book.

Apr 09, 2018

Why the U.S.-China ‘Trade War' Is Really About the Future of Innovation
Recent trade skirmishes between China and the United States are less about steel and soybeans, and more about who will lead global innovation in the 21st century, writes Wharton dean Geoffrey Garrett.

Apr 09, 2018

Amazon Under Fire: Is Antitrust Action Likely?
Although Amazon has faced a series of accusations by President Trump about its business practices recently, the company would likely survive any attempts to bring antitrust action against it, experts say.

Apr 06, 2018

Autonomous Car Crashes: Who — or What — Is to Blame?
Two recent fatalities involving Uber and Tesla vehicles using driverless systems have raised concerns that threaten to significantly delay or derail adoption of the technology.

Apr 06, 2018

The Downside to Playing It Safe in the Banking Industry
Recent Wharton research looks at why banks tend to invest in assets with the lowest risk, and how that behavior can affect the broader economy.

Apr 05, 2018

What the U.S. Could Learn from Australia's Gun Control Laws
Firearm mortalities in Australia fell 60% between 1979 and 2013, aided by new gun-control laws and other deterrents, notes a Penn study.

Apr 04, 2018

When Fun Goes Digital: Creating the Theme Park of the Future
From a virtual Harry Potter to digital wrist bands that hold your place in line, today's theme parks are no longer the analog experiences of decades past.

Apr 04, 2018

What Makes a Successful CEO?
Cassandra Frangos, who guided Cisco's leadership transition when John Chambers stepped down as CEO, discusses her new book on the skills and career strategies many C-Suite executives share.

Apr 03, 2018

What Facebook Can Do to Rebuild Trust
In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the world's biggest social network is facing what is arguably its biggest PR crisis ever.

Apr 03, 2018

How to Stop Sabotaging Your Career
Why do smart, talented people sometimes derail their own careers? Arrogance, inability to adapt or taking on too much lead the list, according to a new book.

Mar 30, 2018

How Youth Can Help Solve the World's Toughest Problems
Innovative ideas from young people are driving the successful targeting of poverty, hunger, climate change and health issues.

Mar 30, 2018

Why Do We Make Bad Stock Decisions?
What actually happens inside a Wall Street trader's brain during buying and selling? Neurofinance pioneer Colin Camerer shared insights at a recent Wharton conference.

Mar 30, 2018

Why Carbon Taxes May Not Be the Best Solution for a Greener Planet
New Wharton research shows that creating industrial-scale ways to store renewable energy is more effective than carbon taxes.

Mar 29, 2018

How the ACA ‘Risk Corridor' Fallout Is Hurting Health Care
Insurers' inability to recover their dues under an Affordable Care Act risk-sharing program is not only impacting those companies but also causing collateral damage in the marketplace, say experts.

Mar 29, 2018

Not Your Mother's Barbie: How Mattel's New Dolls Aspire to Inspire
Mattel's new Barbie doll line looks to create role models more than fashionistas. Three experts analyze the marketing that launched them.

Mar 29, 2018

The Workplace Culture Chasm: Why So Many Get It Wrong
A positive workplace culture can boost performance. So why do so many organizations fail to get even the basics right?

Mar 28, 2018

How Retailers Can Avoid Becoming the Next Toys R Us
The demise of Toys R Us and the recent bankruptcy filing by mall staple Claire's show that the reshaping of the U.S. retail landscape is far from over.

Mar 28, 2018

Why a Japanese E-commerce Giant Made Its Employees Learn English
Japanese e-commerce firm Rakuten required its global workforce to be proficient in English or be demoted. Harvard's Tsedal Neeley examines this strategy in her book.

Mar 27, 2018

Initial Coin Offerings: Can Regulators Curb the Risks?
With huge sums being raised by ICOs and the danger of scams proliferating, regulators are seeking ways to create the right framework for supervision.

Mar 27, 2018

What U.S.-China ‘Proxy Wars' Mean for Asia's Balancing Act
The likelihood of things boiling over between the U.S. and China is low, writes Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett in this opinion piece. Instead, the two countries will continue to wrestle for influence in Asia.

Mar 27, 2018

How Can the U.S. Avoid a Trade War with China?
Bypassing the World Trade Organization with more U.S. tariffs against China risks a big trade war with no winners and a damaged U.S. economy, experts say.

Mar 26, 2018

Who Needs Judgment When You've Got Data? You Do.
Human judgment is out. Measurement is in. But tilting too far in one direction carries enormous costs, says author Jerry Z. Muller, in this opinion piece.

Mar 23, 2018

How Amazon Delivers on Its Core Product: Convenience
The e-commerce giant's rapid growth of its fulfillment center network has been key to its dominance over the past decade, recent Wharton research finds.

Mar 23, 2018

Can Retail Pharmacies Come to the Aid of U.S. Health Care?
At a recent Wharton conference, CVS executive VP and chief medical officer Troyen Brennan shared the pharmacy giant's plans to help reshape the health care landscape.

Mar 22, 2018

Why the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Is a Watershed Moment for Social Media
In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica imbroglio, 50 million Facebook profiles stand compromised. One upshot: Users must learn to protect themselves, experts say.

Mar 22, 2018

How to Pitch Your Startup to a Venture Capitalist
Venture capitalist Jenny Lefcourt from Freestyle Capital offers tested advice for budding entrepreneurs looking to fund a startup.

Mar 22, 2018

Want to Nurture Creativity? First, Get the Culture Right
Equally important is helping people recognize creativity within their organizations, says David Yager, CEO of Philadelphia's University of the Arts.

Mar 22, 2018

How a Less-explored Side of Narcissism Can Cause Us Harm
Psychologist Nancy Van Dyken explains the roots of a mostly unfamiliar form of narcissism -- and how to get past it, based on her new book.

Jan 30, 2018

Can GE Bring Good Things to Its Business Once Again?
The venerable multinational firm has seen its stock decline more than 40% in a year. What will it take to turn things around?

Jan 29, 2018

How Innovative Business Models Can Bring Cheap Energy to Poor Communities
An Indian entrepreneur and an Australian investor are finding ways to bring low-cost, clean power to remote communities.

Jan 29, 2018

How Crowdfunding Helps Entrepreneurs Beyond Silicon Valley
New Wharton research looks at how crowdfunding is democratizing access to capital in diverse areas of the U.S. -- and why that trend is growing.

Jan 26, 2018

Is a U.S.-China Trade War Heating Up?
The recently announced import tariffs on solar panels and washing machines could be a precursor to bigger trade clashes between the U.S. and China, experts say.

Jan 26, 2018

Why the U.S. Founding Fathers Wanted an Activist Government
Did the Founding Fathers actually support limited government, as some suggest? Yale professor Steven Pincus argues otherwise in his new book.

Jan 25, 2018

Brand Crisis Management: Responding to the Tide Pod Challenge
Other brands can learn important lessons from Procter & Gamble's response to the trend of teenage YouTubers ingesting toxic detergent pods.

Jan 25, 2018

Why 2018 Is Shaping Up to Be a Good Year for Banks
The deregulation that banks expected in 2017 but didn't materialize could become reality this year. Still, lingering consumer distrust and increased competition from fintechs are potential hurdles, experts say.

Jan 25, 2018

Private Equity in Southeast Asia and China: The Trends to Watch
One firm's view of what's ahead in the region: Baring Private Equity Asia's managing director explains the firm's strategy.

Jan 24, 2018

What Leadership Lessons Can Business Learn from Ukraine's War?
Ukraine's military has had to transform itself during its conflict with Russia. The story holds leadership lessons for businesses, according to this opinion piece.

Jan 23, 2018

How to Drive Competitive Returns with Impact Investing
Businesses are best placed to help solve social and environmental issues, and those that do tend to do well for themselves, say two impact investors, who share their experiences.

Jan 23, 2018

How Spectre and Meltdown Will Impact Companies and Consumers
Recent news about the computer chip vulnerabilities has caused alarm because of the sheer scale of the problem. Businesses are scrambling to protect themselves -- should consumers be worried, also?

Jan 23, 2018

What Can Jay-Z and Beyoncé Teach Us about Corporate Accountability?
Recent Wharton research offers a new framework for viewing the moral obligations of individuals as well as corporations.

Jan 19, 2018

2017 Was a Terrible Year for Natural Disasters: Is It the New Normal?
Last year was the costliest on record in the U.S. for damage from natural disasters, painting a grim picture of what the future could bring.

Jan 19, 2018

Global Risks in 2018: What Lies Ahead?
According to the 2018 Global Risks Report, the environment, cyber security and geopolitics are areas drawing the most concern.

Jan 19, 2018

Is This the Year Electric Cars Become Exciting?
U.S. automakers are weighing continued sales optimism against uncertain policy moves. Meanwhile, electric cars look ripe for consumer-friendly jumps in performance.

Jan 19, 2018

The Emperor Has No Clothes: Recasting Leadership in the Open-source Era
The digital age has democratized the workplace. So what happens when employees can wield just as much knowledge and power as their managers?

Jan 18, 2018

China in 2018: What Hangs in the Balance?
China's leadership in clean energy and its strong economic growth are counterweighted by potential trade clashes with the U.S. and simmering social unrest, say experts.

Jan 18, 2018

What Can an Ancient General Teach Us About Modern Leadership?
Few military leaders hold as much allure for historians as Hannibal. Archaeologist Patrick N. Hunt writes in his new book that much of his success came from strong finances.

Jan 18, 2018

The Age of Cryptocurrencies: Is This the End of Money?
Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett sees a big split in how cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are viewed on Wall Street -- with skepticism -- versus Silicon Valley where they are "all in."

Jan 17, 2018

From Leonardo da Vinci to Steve Jobs: The Benefits of Being a Misfit
Wharton professor Adam Grant interviews Walter Isaacson about his biography on Leonardo da Vinci. The biggest takeaway: "Stay curious about everything."

Jan 17, 2018

The Mobile Payments Race: Why China Is Leading the Pack — for Now
Fast growth by China's Alipay and WeChat Pay will likely continue in parts of Southeast Asia where traditional credit cards were never strong. But expect obstacles in countries with old-style systems like Japan.

Jan 16, 2018

‘Freedom at a Price': Why Regulation Is Crucial to Fintech's Future
Technology has dramatically expanded financial inclusion across the globe, but it has also created new questions about regulation and oversight.

Jan 16, 2018

What Will Waivers for Convicted Banks Mean for the Financial System?
The Trump administration's recent waivers of convicted banks have raised questions about banking oversight and the criminal penalty system.

Jan 13, 2018

John Sculley: Why AI Is the Tech Trend to Watch in 2018
Former Apple CEO John Sculley talks about the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show and how AI is disrupting industries.

Jan 12, 2018

Latin America in 2018: Why Commodities Are Still King
Rising commodity prices pegged to Chinese demand will likely push up Latin America's economic growth modestly this year. But potential political setbacks remain a risk, experts say.

Jan 12, 2018

Opportunity, not Failure: The Real Reason Startups Decide to Pivot
Wharton research into startups focusing on hard-science and technology sheds light on when companies pivot and when they "firefight."

Jan 12, 2018

How Banking-as-a-Platform Propels Cross River Bank
Cross River Bank CEO Gilles Gade talks about his banking-as-a-platform business model and what's ahead for fintech.

Jan 11, 2018

Could Iceland's Equal Pay Law Work in the U.S.?
In Iceland, it is now illegal for companies to pay men more than women for the same job. Experts discuss why the policy may work in that country, but might not translate well to others.

Jan 11, 2018

How Goldman Sachs Is Moving the Needle on Diversity
Goldman Sachs's head of human capital management explains how building a successfully diverse culture goes far beyond the hiring process.

Jan 10, 2018

Creating a Multi-million Dollar Brand: Stuart Weitzman on His Shoe Empire
The entrepreneur-founder and lead designer of Stuart Weitzman shoes said that doing things differently from everyone else helped him create a multi-million dollar global brand.

Jan 10, 2018

How a Fintech Startup Aims to Take the Fear Out of Investing
Fintech startup Riskalyze believes that when investors' portfolios more accurately match their risk tolerance, they will make better decisions.

Jan 09, 2018

When Guilt Is Good: Unexpected Traits That Can Help You at Work
Wharton research finds that some seemingly unproductive traits can actually spur people to work well and to be effective in leadership roles.

Jan 09, 2018

Are Apple, Facebook, Google and Amazon Unstoppable?
NYU professor Scott Galloway talks about the pervasive influence of Big Tech -- both good and bad -- in his new book.

Jan 08, 2018

How CEOs Can Align the Leadership Team with Corporate Goals
Only a motivated and adaptable team committed to shared goals guarantees success, says Mphasis CEO Nitin Rakesh

Jan 08, 2018

Will Protests in Iran Pave the Way for Economic Changes?
Iran's embattled government may respond to recent protests with populist measures -- but those will not necessarily create more jobs, experts say.

Jan 08, 2018

Breaking the Script: How Companies Can Make Themselves Memorable
We get lots of experiences in life, but very few are memorable. Is there a way for companies to burnish a positive memory with customers?

Jan 05, 2018

Boom or Bust: How Will Retail Fare in the New Year?
After a turbulent 2017, retail sales were up during the holidays. But retailers still face plenty of choppy water ahead.

Jan 05, 2018

Will Political Challenges Upend Europe's Growth Story in 2018?
Europe's economy has surprised almost everyone with a surge of growth over the last couple of years. But will large political challenges derail progress in 2018?

Jan 05, 2018

U.S. Environmental Policy in 2018: What's at Stake?
Experts discuss the direction the U.S. is heading in regarding environmental protection and conservation, and whether recent policy changes put U.S. businesses at a disadvantage globally.

Jan 04, 2018

Beyond Obamacare: What's Ahead for U.S. Health Care in 2018
With debate over the Affordable Care Act likely to take a backseat, here are some key issues facing the U.S. health care sector in 2018.

Jan 04, 2018

How Diversity Powers Team Performance
Increasing diversity has long been promoted as the right thing to do. But that notion does not account for the deep benefits that diversity can bring to an organization when it comes to performance.

Jan 04, 2018

What's Blowing Up the Bitcoin Bubble?
Despite bitcoin's growing credibility among individual and institutional investors, the cryptocurrency's skyrocketing price is causing some concern.

Jan 04, 2018

Blockchain, the Bard and Building More Inclusion for Banking
Can blockchain and cryptocurrencies deliver safer financial transactions than bank regulatory regimes, without leading to financial exclusion for some?

Jan 04, 2018

Why Mobile Banking Will Replace Bank Branches
As customers opt for convenience, the number of bank branches could decline by 50% to 75%, say BankMobile co-founders Jay Sidhu and Luvleen Sidhu.

Jan 02, 2018

Jeremy Siegel: What's Ahead for the U.S. Economy in 2018
It was an unexpectedly stellar year for U.S. stock markets in 2017. According to Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel, since most of the good news regarding the economy has been baked into indexes now, markets will likely take a breather in 2018.

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