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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 15, 2016

Immersive dream adventures for hospitalized children
As part of St Jude Dream Adventures, kids at the research hospital can experience real-time, immersive travel adventures remotely.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 15, 2016

In Japan, an artificial intelligence has been appointed creative director
AI-CD ß is a robot that is being treated as an actual employee in an ad agency.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 15, 2016

In Thailand, motorcycles are an unlikely mosquito repellent
MotoRepellent is a device that fits onto the back of motorbikes, which could repel mosquito populations from entire cities.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 15, 2016

App crowdsources fellow travelers for long journeys
Skedaddle lets users crowdsource journeys in luxury cars for intercity and out-of-town trips.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 14, 2016

What your future self can teach you
The 'future you' can help you be wealthier, healthier, and more generous in the present

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 14, 2016

Platform reduces coding's carbon footprint
Greenspector improves the efficiency of code to reduce the energy consumption of mobile devices, data centers, and other hardware.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 14, 2016

Crowdfunding real estate down payments from the community
Landed helps buyers crowdfund their deposit from neighbors, bosses, and colleagues, who receive equity on their first home in exchange.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 14, 2016

Wearable microchip uses ultra-thin cables to make design seamless
KeKePad is a wearable microchip that enables simple incorporation of wearable technology into clothes designs.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 14, 2016

Platform automates job applicant verification
Verified Resources is a startup that automates the prospective employee verification process.

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Springwise Consumer Trends
Apr 13, 2016

Safer taxis via female-only Uber
Chariot for Women will only employ stringently background-checked female drivers and only serve women, trans women, and children under 13.

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