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Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Century ago and today, Baghdad street a front line in revolt
Baghdad's Rasheed Street was the scene of large marches by Iraqis against British occupiers nearly a century ago and now it's a front line in a new revolt

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Dutch police arrest 2 men suspected of year-end terror plot
Dutch prosecutors say police have arrested two men suspected of plotting an attack using suicide vests and one or more car bombs

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Israel charges extremist Jewish leader with incitement
Israeli prosecutors have charged the leader of a Jewish extremist group with incitement to violence and terrorism for inflammatory remarks about Palestinians

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Saudis free 200 Yemeni rebels as part of peace efforts
A Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen says it has released 200 Houthi rebels as part of a U.N.-brokered deal aimed at ending the war in the Arab world's poorest country

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Nigeria's ‘fake news' bill could jail people for lying on social media. Critics call it censorship.
Authorities could also cut Internet access for those deemed to be spreading falsehoods.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Reports of Julian Assange's health suggest he ‘could die in prison,' dozens of doctors claim
In an open letter to British Home Secretary Priti Patel, the doctors warn that without urgent medical treatment, Assange "could die in prison. The medical situation is thereby urgent. There is no time to lose."

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Heist at museum holding 18th-century state treasures of ‘priceless cultural significance' shocks Germany
An official said the targeted jewel sets were unique and impossible to replace.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

First target of Singapore's ‘fake news' law is Facebook post that alleged a failed state investment in Salt Bae
The government says the post by the opposition lawmaker inaccurately described how state investors work.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

The Brexit Party crashed the gates of the European Parliament — and got stuck there
The British Euroskeptics are not the disrupters they imagine themselves to be.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Turkish Defense Ministry says 17 killed in car bomb explosion in northeastern Syria
Turkish Defense Ministry says 17 killed in car bomb explosion in northeastern Syria

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Uber's operating license in London not renewed in latest tussle between the city and the ride-hailing service
London said it was a safety issue with at least 14,000 trips taken with uninsured drivers.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Xi must be dismayed: Chinese leader fighting fires on all fronts
The Hong Kong election results coincided with damaging leaks about the secretive Communist Party.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Federal agents seized 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez at gunpoint. A custody battle raged for months.
Fishermen found the Cuban boy clinging to an inner tube three miles off Fort Lauderdale 20 years ago Monday.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

CDC recommended that migrants receive flu vaccine, but CBP rejected the idea
As influenza spread through migrant detention facilities last winter, Customs and Border Protection resisted offering the vaccine to migrants.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Argentine court finds two Catholic priests guilty of sexually assaulting deaf children; first convictions in long-alleged abuse
Nicola Corradi and Horacio Corbacho were sentenced to decades in prison; Corradi's name appeared on a list of alleged sexual predators given to Pope Francis in 2015.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Helicopter crash kills 13 French soldiers during operation in Mali
The accident brings to 41 the number of French soldiers killed in the ongoing operation in the Sahel region.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Hong Kong's stunning vote deepens China's conundrum
An opaque authoritarian regime was rebuked in a democratic election.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

In Hong Kong elections, big defeat for elites pressures Beijing to rethink approach
The vote was a rare chance for people within China to send their leaders a clear electoral message: They want democracy.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Grateful for our lives: Thanksgiving in Afghanistan, 2001
A highway ambush had just left four of our colleagues dead. We marked the holiday as a way to lighten our gloomy spirits.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Germans are deeply worried about the U.S. alliance, but Americans have hardly noticed
Three-quarters of Americans see relations with Germany as good, while almost two-thirds of Germans say the relationship is bad.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Albania hit by 6.4-magnitude quake, killing at least 7, injuring hundreds
It is the second time in two months that Albania has been hit by a significant earthquake. In September, a 5.6-magnitude tremor hit roughly the same area and caused dozens of injuries.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

China hopes Trump will be reelected: He's easy to read
Even amid a trade war, Beijing thinks relations would be more challenging with a Democrat in the White House.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Watch: The moment some of Europe's most valuable jewels were stolen
The heist constituted one of the biggest post-World War II thefts of cultural artifacts in Germany.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

U.S. officials fret about hacking by a new generation of nations
Vietnam, Qatar and others are entering a field once dominated by Russia and China.

Washington Post World News
Nov 26, 2019

Stung by Hong Kong vote, China slams Reuters report on liaison office shake-up
The news agency said Beijing had set up an alternative base for monitoring unrest in Hong Kong after voters punished establishment candidates in local elections.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Bangladesh official: Rohingya repatriation ready to begin
Bangladesh authorities say they are ready to begin repatriating some of the more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled from army-led violence in Myanmar since last year, but refugees say they will refuse to go because of fears for their safety

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

France decries Trump's lack of ‘common decency'
A French government spokesman accused President Trump of spewing invective on the same day the country was commemorating the victims of a major 2015 terrorist attack.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

France strikes back against Trump, emphasizing a lack of ‘common decency'
A French government spokesman accused Trump of spewing invective on the same day the country was commemorating the victims of a major 2015 terrorist attack.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Justice Dept. releases legal memo defending Whitaker's appointment as acting attorney general
The Office of Legal Counsel memo says the president has authority to appoint a non-Senate confirmed attorney general in an acting capacity.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

The Latest: Israel says shot Gaza angler was close to fence
The Israeli military says a Gaza fisherman killed by Israeli fire in northern Gaza Strip was illegally advancing toward the security fence dividing Gaza and Israel

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

The Latest: Italy's anti-migrant minister greets refugees
Italy's hard-line interior minister has welcomed 51 refugees and asylum-seekers who arrived in Italy after being detained in Libya and then airlifted out by the U.N. refugee agency

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Madagascar heading toward runoff poll in presidential race
Madagascar's election officials say two former presidents are in a tight race with results in from 70 percent of the polling stations, indicating that a runoff election is likely in December

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Cameroon military says 30 separatists killed in fighting
Cameroon's military says it has killed least 30 separatists in the past few days in the country's restive North West region

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Saudi-led airstrike kills 7 in contested Yemen port city
Yemeni officials: Airstrike by Saudi-led coalition killed at least 7 civilians in rebel-held port city of Hodeida

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Theresa May faces crunch cabinet showdown over her Brexit plans
British negotiators have produced a withdrawal agreement filled with compromises

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Long-forgotten Einstein letter that predicted threat of anti-Semitism reemerges with ominous message
"Here are brewing economically and politically dark times," Einstein wrote.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

The Finance 202: Kudlow-Navarro spat reveals ongoing White House split over China
Trump and Xi meet in Buenos Aires at end of this month.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Israel's hawkish defense minister resigns from the government over Hamas truce
Avigdor Liberman's resignation could lead Israel to early elections.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Merkel's time is running out. Now Germany's ‘mini-Merkel' is stepping up to save the chancellor's legacy.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is vying to become the nation's next leader, with Merkel's tacit blessing.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Vice President Pence pushes Myanmar's Suu Kyi on Rohingya, jailed journalists
Pence told Suu Kyi he was "very anxious" to hear about resolving the Rohingya crisis and plans on repatriating the refugees in Bangladesh, a widely-criticized process that could start as soon as this week.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announces resignation over Gaza truce
The hawkish defense minister, who has held the position since 2016, said he opposed the government's decision to agree to a ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza a day earlier. This week saw the worst flare up in violence between the two sides since the 2014 war, with more than 400 rockets fired into Israel. This […]

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

Kim Jong Un is doing what he said he would
The United States shouldn't be surprised that North Korea is still working on building up its nuclear stockpile.

Washington Post World News
Nov 14, 2018

U.S. military edge has eroded to ‘a dangerous degree,' study for Congress finds
Commission evaluating defense strategy warns United States "might struggle to win, or perhaps lose, a war against China or Russia."

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

As El Chapo trial opens, attorneys offer contrasting portraits of ‘mythological' drug lord
A Brooklyn courthouse is under heavy security as opening arguments commence for the accused cartel leader.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

Bishops are conflicted about how they need to change to reduce sexual abuse
Bishops aren't allowed to vote on anything binding but are forging ahead with discussions.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

Russia wants DNC's election-hacking lawsuit thrown out
Moscow warns the State Department that American spy agency hacking exposes the U.S. to similar charges.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

LGBT asylum seekers are first to reach the U.S. border from the caravan. Now they wait.
Dozens of LGBT migrants from Central America were among the first to arrive in Tijuana. The rest of the caravan is still days away.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

U.S. blacklists the son of Hezbollah leader
New sanctions are part of the Trump administration's pressure campaign against Iran and its proxy forces.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

Palestinian factions say Gaza cease-fire reached after worst fighting since 2014 war
Conflict eases following an exchange of fire that rocked Gaza and surrounding Israeli communities.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

Can you copyright a cheese? A top European court says no.
Taste is "an idea," the court ruled.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

Watch two young refugees from Eritrea experience snow for the first time
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shared the video of children from Eritrea, who arrived in Canada recently from a refugee camp in Sudan.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

Britain and the E.U. reach a draft agreement on Brexit
Prime Minister Theresa May will present the deal to her cabinet on Wednesday.

Washington Post World News
Nov 13, 2018

Trump names retired general John Abizaid to be ambassador to Saudi Arabia
His selection emphasizes the importance President Trump has placed on the military partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia, a major customer for U.S. arms.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Toronto driver charged with 10 counts of 1st degree murder
A 25-year-old who plowed a van into a crowded Toronto sidewalk was ordered held Tuesday on 10 counts of murder and 13 of attempted murder as Canadian authorities and the public sought to make sense of what appeared to be one of the deadliest mass murders in the country's modern history.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

The Latest: Praise for officer who arrested Canada suspect
The Latest on the incident in which a van plowed down a Toronto sidewalk, killing and injuring several people (all times local):

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

UN says farming should be at heart of Syria reconstruction
International efforts to rebuild Syria once the civil war is over should center on agriculture to kick start the economy and quickly improve the livelihoods of the people, a high-level United Nations official said Tuesday.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

AP Interview: Chile abuse whistleblower from pariah to VIP
The key whistleblower in Chile's clerical sex abuse scandal has arrived in Rome for his audience with Pope Francis and said Tuesday he will urge the pope to get rid of the "toxic" bishops and cardinals who have defamed and discredited abuse survivors around the world.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

German state orders crosses mounted at government buildings
Bavaria's conservative government is ordering Christian crosses to be placed at the entrance of all state administrative buildings.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Police say 37 Maoist rebels killed in western India
At least 37 Maoist rebels were killed in two gunbattles between troops and insurgents in western India over the last three days, police said Tuesday.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Royal baby fever is sweeping Britain, and the photos do not disappoint
Superfans of the royal family greeted the news of Kate and William's baby No. 3 with jubilation.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Salah Abdeslam, lone survivor accused of Paris and Brussels attacks, convicted on related shootout charges
He remained silent throughout the trial, disappointing those who wanted more answers.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Airstrike by Saudi and U.S.-backed coalition kills more than 20 at Yemen wedding gathering
Deadly attack is the third in three days to cause civilian casualties, officials say.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

A pregnant woman tripped a 4-year-old boy on purpose. The Internet went crazy.
A nasty moment, caught on video, has set China's social media ablaze.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Behind bloody Gaza clashes, economic misery and piles of debt
The territory being squeezed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority is a powder keg of privation and anger.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Armenia's prime minister resigns amid large-scale protests
The pro-Russian leader was accused by opponents of corruption and authoritarian rule.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

What will the royal baby be called? In Britain, the correct answer is worth real money.
Social media and betting markets erupted in speculation on Monday.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Trump is creating a vetting center. Is it ‘extreme' enough to end his travel ban?
Skeptics of the administration's plans say there's no need to duplicate an existing center.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

The personal is political for Canada's foreign minister
Chrystia Freeland, Canada's top diplomat, put Ukraine's travails at the hands of Russia topped the agenda at a G-7 meeting in Toronto.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

The shadow war between Israel and Iran takes center stage
The two Middle Eastern foes are inching toward open war in Syria.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Toronto police say 10 dead, 15 injured after van struck pedestrians in Toronto; driver in custody
Authorities said it was unclear whether the driver had deliberately targeted the pedestrians.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

With food and facts carried in bottles, activists try to penetrate isolated North Korea
A group gathered by a river with a low-tech plan to open North Koreans' eyes to the outside world. And feed them, too.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Campaign against Islamic State in Egypt is creating a humanitarian crisis, says rights group
The military operation in restive northern Sinai is choking off supplies of essentials to the area, Human Rights Watch said in a report.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, gives birth to a boy, fifth in line to the British crown
Prince William was at her side, and the duchess and child are doing well, the palace said.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Britain unveils first statue of a woman in Parliament Square
Millicent Fawcett, a leader of British women's suffrage, breaks new barriers.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

A tale of two handshakes — why France's Macron works well with Trump and Germany's Merkel doesn't
Neither Macron nor Merkel share many similarities with the president, but Macron has decided to approach "Trump on Trump's terms."

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Suspect in Toronto van rampage charged with 10 murder counts
The suspect, Alek Minassian, was arrested moments after Monday's carnage. The motive remained unclear, but Canadian authorities said the attack has not triggered national security threats.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

South Korean president bets the way to Kim Jong Un's heart is through his stomach
South Korean President Moon Jae-in is set to deploy some high-level gastrodiplomacy as he tries to win over North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during Friday's summit.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Trump and France's Macron disagree on the Iran deal. Here's why Europe wants to keep it.
Europe could still stick to the deal without U.S. support, but it may come at a high cost.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Nicaraguans take to streets en masse on sixth day of protests
The violent unrest that started over social security payments has swelled into broader outrage over President Daniel Ortega's authoritarian rule.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Armenia's pro-Russian prime minister resigns amid large-scale protests
Anti-government demonstrations erupted almost two weeks ago against Serzh Sargsyan when he was appointed prime minister after a decade as president.

Washington Post World News
Apr 24, 2018

Canadian dies in 'lynching' in Peruvian Amazon, accused of killing an indigenous shaman
Sebastian Woodroffe traveled to Peru to experiment with ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic potion used by indigenous shamans in spiritual exercises.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Christian leaders say Church of the Holy Sepulchre to re-open after tax dispute with Israeli authorities in Jerusalem
Christian leaders say Church of the Holy Sepulchre to re-open after tax dispute with Israeli authorities in Jerusalem.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Nigeria sets up probe into girls' school attack, abductions
Nigeria's government says it has set up a panel to investigate the abduction of 110 girls from their school last week by suspected members of the extremist Boko Haram group.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Jeremy Corbyn urges a soft Brexit, putting Theresa May in a hard spot
Thanks also to unruly party mates, the prime minister may be headed toward a parliamentary showdown.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Putin orders ‘humanitarian pause' in besieged Damascus suburb
More than 500 people have been killed in the past seven days in Eastern Ghouta, the United Nations said, even as world powers called for a cease-fire.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

The Latest: Church of Holy Sepulchre to reopen
The Latest on the tax dispute between the Jerusalem Municipality and Christian churches (all times local):

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

US UN ambassador: Honduran leader should talk to opposition
U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley says Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez should increase efforts to establish a dialogue with opposition leaders who claim he stole the November elections.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Venezuelan politician to challenge President Maduro
A prominent Venezuelan politician appeared to be breaking ranks with the opposition coalition on Tuesday by challenging leader Nicolas Maduro in the upcoming presidential election.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

UN humanitarian chief calls Yemen conditions ‘catastrophic'
The U.N. humanitarian chief warned Tuesday that conditions in Yemen are "catastrophic" after three years of war, with a record 22.2 million people needing aid and protection, and the U.N. envoy for the conflict accused the Saudi-backed government and Shiite rebels of prolonging the conflict.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Rick Perry going to London to hold nuclear cooperation talks with Saudi officials
United States has long pressed Saudi Arabia to agree to a nuclear cooperation agreement that would include strict bans on the enrichment of uranium and the reprocessing of spent fuel.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

South Korean prosecutors request 30 years jail for disgraced former president Park
The court is now deliberating and will issue a verdict in late March or early April.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

State Department point man on North Korea, Joseph Yun, to retire Friday
Yun's resignation comes amid hope that Pyongyang might be willing to sit down for talks with Washington.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

The 'Beast from the East' has arrived, bringing snow and travel chaos to Europe
Snowball fights broke out in front of the Vatican and British shoppers stocked up on comfort food as bitter cold gripped the continent.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Israel's justice minister explains why Trump is good for her West Bank plan
Ayelet Shaked says Israel annexing part of the West Bank and having other Palestinian territories become part of a confederation with Jordan may sound "bizarre" now, but in three years, it will be seen as the right solution.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

German court opens the way for bans of diesel vehicles, roiling a nation of car obsessives
The decision was a blow for the automotive industry, but was cheered by clean air advocates.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Bizarre legal brawl intensifies at Trump hotel in Panama
Panamanian authorities are investigating whether Trump's company broke the law.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

A year after Trump threatened to cancel the Air Force One program, White House and Boeing reach deal
The deal comes after months of negotiations, but it's not clear that it represents any real savings.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Africa's real Wakanda and the struggle to stay uncolonized
Ethiopians like to hold up their ancient civilization and struggle against colonizers as the inspiration for the hit "Black Panther" movie

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

A German charity barred foreigners from receiving free food. Merkel says that's wrong.
The food bank is under criticism from politicians and activists.

Washington Post World News
Feb 27, 2018

Trump reportedly praised Singapore for executing drug dealers. Here's how they're killed.
The small island state hanged dozens of people every year in the 1990s.

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