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NYT > Opinion
Apr 24, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: We Don't Need No Education
Why Republicans ended up at war with America's schoolteachers.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 24, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller and the Art of Survival
Sometimes the best way to do justice is to compromise with those who would deny it.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 24, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: What Nonvoters Really Think
There are tens of millions of them, and they could seal Trump's political fate.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 24, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Do Taxpayers Know They Are Handing Out Billions to Corporations?
Your local government is probably hiding billion-dollar giveaways in the name of economic competitiveness.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 24, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: The Empire Haunts Britain
The Commonwealth is both a conservative post-imperial fantasy and a part of this country's original sin.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Editorial: Will the Court Stand Up to Donald Trump?
The travel ban case is the first major legal challenge to the president's authority that the justices have heard.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Contributing Op-Ed Writer: An American Tragedy in Nashville
The Waffle House shooting is a painful reminder of Tennessee's failure to protect its own citizens from mass murderers with guns.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Hope in Arizona
Activist women are transforming the state's politics.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: How the Human Rights Movement Failed
Those who care about vulnerable minorities need to reckon with the economic inequality that leads so many people to vote for authoritarians.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Op-Ed Contributors: Republicans to the Court: Strike Down the Travel Ban
President Trump violated the principle of separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution with his ban.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Editorial: Breaking News! A Prince Is Born!
Is our unflagging fascination with royalty really so wrong?

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Emmanuel Macron Goes to Washington
The president of France is on a mission to sway Donald Trump on several issues.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Editorial: Mueller Guides Us Through the Swamp
The Russia investigation has uncovered shady practices in the interlinked worlds of banking, law and lobbying that have long flourished in the dark.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Letters: Making Classical Music and Art Accessible to All
Readers discuss getting past the Classical Music Insecurity Complex.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Chinese Tech Companies' Dirty Secret
"Finding a job = finding a woman." Chinese tech companies use female employees as bait to recruit male applicants.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Letters: A Reporter's Reflections on Hillary Clinton's Loss
Readers discuss Amy Chozick's article expressing misgivings about her role in covering the 2016 campaign.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Thank Trump, or You'll Be Sorry
The president demands gratitude. He's made "thank you" divisive.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Letter: Sexual Abuse in the Workplace
A reader writes that putting an end to forced arbitration would shine an even brighter light on the issue.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Letter: Light Rail for New York
The Brooklyn Queens Connector and vision42 should be at the forefront in transportation projects for New York City, two planners write.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Letter: Racism in the Housing Market
A housing advocate writes that racism is still pervasive, invading the thinking that leads to lending decisions against minority home buyers.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Americans Aren't Centrist on Economics
They're deeply progressive. And it's time that politicians listened.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Contributing Op-Ed Writer: So Long to Music City's Favorite Soap Opera
It's a wrap for "Nashville," but the city is still deciding what to be.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

The Stone: It's Westworld. What's Wrong With Cruelty to Robots?
The makers of the HBO series have produced a powerful work of philosophy.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Contributing Op-Ed Writer: Macron Meets His Moment of Truth
A half-century after France erupted in protests, it's doing so again. But 2018 is not 1968.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: What Fuels the Saudi Rivalry With Iran?
Saudi Arabia often talks about pushing back a dangerous Iranian threat, but the foreign policy emanating from Riyadh is driven primarily by domestic politics.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: A Time for Big Economic Ideas
To end the worst stagnation in living standards since the Great Depression, the country needs to be bold.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Editorial: Graft in South Africa: The People Deserve Better
The African National Congress siphons billions from funds earmarked for the poor. It is not the post-apartheid future Nelson Mandela envisioned.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: America Abhors Impeachment
America has only ever impeached two presidents, but both remained in office.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: The Missing History of the Columbia '68 Protests
Black students, not whites, made the events of that spring so important.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Letters: The Supreme Court, the Travel Ban and Echoes of History
Readers discuss the coming Supreme Court case on the president's Muslim travel ban.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Letter: White House, Madhouse
A reader writes that "Americans understand that this is not the way a president thinks or behaves if he wants to succeed."

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Letter: Retail Clinics Are Not the Solution to Health Care
A reader says increasing the number of primary care physicians is a better way to improve access to care.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Letter: Punishing Wells Fargo
A reader says a bank "that kept finding new ways to fraudulently separate people from their money" should be more severely penalized.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Letters: Civilians and Soldiers in a Time of War Without End
Readers discuss the different perspectives of the American public and those who fight.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Letter: Make Paid Family Leave a Priority
The writer links the gender pay gap to the lack of paid leave in most states.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

OpEd Contributor: Kim Jong-un Strings America Along
What tricks does North Korea's leader have up his sleeve?

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: To Change a Country, Change Its Trains
France is a case study in the truism that a national rail network is the spirit of the country in miniature.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Steel Tariffs and Wages (Painfully Wonkish)
A finger exercise on tariffs, Trump style

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: A Tribute to Uwe Reinhardt
Remarks from yesterday's memorial service.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

Contributing Op-Ed Writer: Despairing on Earth Day? Read This
Over time, mass migration to cities could be a driver of environmental progress.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 21, 2018

We Are Conservatives and We Believe Climate Change Is Real
The fight against climate change is a nonpartisan issue across the globe except, of course, in the United States.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 21, 2018

On Campus: The Soul-Crushing Student Essay
A freshman finally asks the clarifying question: "Do you mean we can write with the word ‘I'?"

NYT > Opinion
Apr 21, 2018

Letters: College Admissions: Let's Cut the Stress!
We asked parents and students how to make the application process less stressful. Here are some of their ideas.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 21, 2018

Exposures: The Real Cost of Cheap Shirts
Factory workers in Bangladesh toil for low wages and under precarious conditions to make clothing worn worldwide.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 21, 2018

Editorial: An Opioid Crisis Foretold
History supplies precedents and lessons for the opioid epidemic raging in America today — but we seem to have largely forgotten both.

NYT > Opinion
Apr 21, 2018

Opinion: The Business Deals That Could Imperil Trump
Forget Stormy Daniels. The business records subpoenaed by Robert Mueller might be Donald Trump's greatest legal headache.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Letter: College Student Loan Debt
The Consumer Bankers Association writes that "98 percent of private student loans are being repaid."

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Letters: Trump as Student Savior? Not Buying It
Readers have a hard time picturing the president running unarmed into a school to save students, as he said he would.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Letter: It's on the Web, but It's Still ‘Real'
A reader notes that her experiences in cyberspace are just as "real" as those in the physical world.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Letter: Slavery, in All Its Guises
A reader says our history of racism has been shameful and illogical.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Bonuses and Bogosity
Why did the news media fall for tax-cut hype?

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Letter: False ‘Heroism' in the G.O.P.
"Trivial gestures" are being viewed as bravely standing up to President Trump, a reader says.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Xi Jinping's Power Grab
China's Communist Party announced Sunday that it intends to abolish limits on presidential terms.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: ‘There Is No Ice'
The thickest sea ice of the Arctic is no more.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Contributing Op-Ed Writer: It's Not a Disaster Movie. It's Reality.
Another week, another set of threats against transgender Americans.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Editorial: We All Must Live With Mitch McConnell's Proudest Moment
A Supreme Court case on public-sector unions is a reminder of why it matters how Justice Neil Gorsuch landed on the court.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Death Penalty Madness in Alabama
It is time to grant Doyle Lee Hamm, survivor of the execution chamber, clemency.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

The Conversation: Will We Ever Stop With the Political Games?
Pyeongchang and Parkland raise questions about what Washington is doing.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 27, 2018

Fixes: On Drug Pricing, States Step In Where Washington Fails
Rather than wait for Congress, state legislatures are trying to curb soaring costs for prescription medicine.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Either a Conspirator or a Sucker
If Trump didn't know that Russia had infiltrated his campaign, he should have.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: The Left Is Energized. Now It Needs to Vote.
Progressives don't vote as often as conservatives do, which makes turnout the biggest opportunity for the new progressive movement.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Vietnam '67: When Walter Cronkite Pronounced the War a ‘Stalemate'
The nation's most trusted news anchor had not been critical of the Vietnam War. A visit to Hue during the Tet offensive changed his mind.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: A Generation Emerging From the Wreckage
On college campuses, students express diminished expectations and little faith in big institutions, yet they aren't hopeless.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Can the United States Search Data Overseas?
A Supreme Court case asks where the government's right to examine digital evidence ends.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: If You're a Patriot and a Christian, You Should Support the Dream Act
Catholic bishops are calling on all those of good will to demand action to protect these young Americans.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: The Force of Decency Awakens
Something big is happening, and bad men in power should be very, very afraid.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Why Trudeau Needs Trump
The Canadian prime minister garners support at home as a foil to his United States counterpart.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Letters: How to Assess What Students Have Learned
Three readers in the education field discuss a growing industry to go beyond course grades to measure college students.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Striking a Blow for the Big Guys
If the Supreme Court rules against unions in Janus v. Afscme, it will be devastating for working people and a victory for corporations and the rich.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Letter: No Bucket List for Me
A reader explains why she finds compiling a bucket list impossible.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Letter: Teenage Moms in Labor
An obstetrician writes that withholding pain medication is abuse.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

The Stone: James Bond Is a Wimp
To the misogynist, the most terrifying thing imaginable is a woman with power, her own voice and her own life.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: FedEx Hearts the N.R.A.
Also: Don't blame low turnout on voter suppression.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: My Teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Saved Lives
Maybe heroism can't be taught, but preparedness certainly can be. Every teacher should have training for a school shooting like mine did.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: The Consequences of Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court
Justices might impose right to work on all public employees — and cause chaos for their workplace issues.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: In Poland, a Grass-Roots Jewish Revival Endures
Even in the shadow of a new Polish law limiting talk about the Holocaust, Poland's Jews have been buoyed by friendly acceptance from many non-Jews.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 26, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Goodbye Castros, Hello Communist Party
A future without President Raúl Castro is on the horizon, but everything points to the continuation of the status quo. It doesn't have to.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: America Is the Gun
We have long venerated the gun and valorized its usage.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Contributing Op-Ed Writer: The Pain of Loving Old Dogs
It's hard to know what to do when age brings a faithful companion so much fear and suffering.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Are Hospitals Becoming Obsolete?
More patients can be treated at home or in doctors' offices, and that's a good thing.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Editorial: Well-Heeled Investors Reap the Republican Tax Cut Bonanza
Businesses are buying back stock to boost prices, giving dividends and pursuing mergers, not raising wages.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Editorial: Will the U.S. Help the Saudis Get a Nuclear Weapon?
They want American atomic power technology, but are resisting terms that would prohibit fuel enrichment that could lead to a weapon.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Letters: Exercised at the Gym: What She Wears Is Up to Her
Readers are divided about the ubiquity of yoga pants.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Letter: Trucks That Pollute
The American Lung Association writes that the E.P.A. should withdraw a proposal that would weaken public health protections.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Letters: Understanding the Different Kinds of Loneliness
Readers discuss the isolation brought on by illness and the antidote of simple human interaction.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Letter: Contraception for Teenagers
Planned Parenthood of New York City responds to a Personal Health column.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Talking Nonsense About North Korea
The United States says it's waiting for Kim Jong-un to signal readiness to open discussions.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Editorial: Let Cities Open Safe Injection Sites
State and local governments should pass laws to protect facilities that help curb overdose deaths, in the face of the Trump administration's threats.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 25, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: I'm Glad I Got Booed at CPAC
I spoke the truth for the sake of every conservative disgusted by what has happened to our movement.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 24, 2018

Opinion: I Was a Marine. I Don't Want a Gun in My Classroom.
The presence of a firearm is always an invitation to violence.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 24, 2018

Loose Ends: Wanted: A Personal Assistant for Some Unconventional Tasks
Qualified applicants only.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 24, 2018

Opinion: Sasha Cohen: An Olympian's Guide to Retiring at 25
One thing I have learned is that the rules for life are different from the rules for sports.

NYT > Opinion
Feb 24, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: This Snake Can't Shed His Skin
A grim reptilian fable about a leader who's not able.

NYT > Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

Disability: The Ohio Abortion Ban's Distortion of Disability Rights
The lives of disabled people are often presumed to matter only for the furthering of others' agendas.

NYT > Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Trump's Volk und Vaterland
An "American Dream" in which immigrants and the outside world equal danger.

NYT > Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Two Men Can Stop the War Between Turkey and the Kurds
Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the first Turkish leader to hold talks with the P.K.K. He can stop the war by talking to its founder, Abdullah Ocalan.

NYT > Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

Op-Ed Contributor: Trump's Besotted Republicans
The president and his party are getting exactly what they want from each other.

NYT > Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Trump Tries for a Reset
The speech gave a glimpse of a potentially successful Trump presidency — and why it's already slipped away.

NYT > Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Trump's Boring, Utterly Terrifying Warmongering
The president seems serious about striking North Korea.

NYT > Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

Op-Ed Columnist: Trumpfrastructure Is a Scam
$1.5 trillion of hot air.

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