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CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Medications help manage COPD symptoms

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

5 credit cards offering $150 cash sign-up bonus

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Billionaire's prediction will give you goosebumps

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Your best refinance rates for November 2018

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Diamond sells for record-breaking $50 million
An unusually large pink diamond sold for a record-breaking $50 million (about 50.3 million Swiss francs) Tuesday at Christie's auction house in Geneva.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Millions Getting Free HD TV With This New Device

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

MLB manager loses home to wildfire

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

MLB announces manager of the year

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Warriors suspend Draymond Green

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Inside the misunderstood culture of furries
The furry community has a message for the rest of the world: Their culture is not about sex.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

DOJ says Whitaker's appointment as attorney general is constitutional
The Justice Department issued a defense of President Donald Trump's controversial appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general Wednesday, offering several reasons why the appointment is consistent with the Constitution, federal statutes and past precedent.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

The state of play in key races has shifted since election night. Here's where they are now.
• Analysis: 14 big trends from the 2018 exit polls

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

HQ2 gave Amazon data on 238 cities -- for free
Amazon's search for a second headquarters was never just about finding a new home.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Analysis: First lady's hidden hand just became not so hidden
Melania Trump is, without question, the most enigmatic and least-known first lady in modern memory. She is deeply private, rarely offering even the slightest glimpse into what she thinks about her husband's administration -- or the country as a whole.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Pink's husband has a warning for wildfire looters
• Death toll from fires in California reaches 50

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Man who followed synagogue shooting suspect on social media arrested
A Washington man who followed the Pittsburgh synagogue suspect on social media was arrested on gun charges after his relatives reached out to authorities, federal court documents show.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Google wants its virtual assistant in every room of your house
Google is teasing the future it thinks you want.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Israeli Defense Minister resigns in protest over Gaza ceasefire
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announced his resignation on Wednesday and called for early elections because of his opposition to a ceasefire deal between Israel and Gaza that brought an end to the worst fighting since the 2014 war.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Who is Mira Ricardel and why did Melania Trump want her fired?
Mira Ricardel barely lasted seven months as deputy national security adviser before First Lady Melania Trump issued an unprecedented call for her dismissal and President Donald Trump moved to fire her.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Even compared to White House chaos, Melania Trump's move against a top official was a bombshell
In this White House, no one knows when the ax will fall or who will be swinging it.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Look who's coming to Netflix
Netflix is getting into the music competition business with some major star power.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Russia jammed GPS during major NATO military exercise with US troops
The Russian military jammed GPS signals during a major NATO military exercise in Norway that involved thousands of US and NATO troops, a spokesperson for the Norwegian ministry of defense tells CNN.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

The American helping to make chess cool
Chess is brutal. Chess is now cool.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Late night mocks possible West Wing shakeups
Late-night hosts were quick to poke fun at reports that key White House officials, including chief of staff John Kelly, may soon be forced out of their roles.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Chicago-area police chief distraught after cop killed 'brave' security guard
By all accounts, Jemel Roberson courageously stopped an active shooter in a Chicago-area bar.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

The Florida recount continues. Here's what you should know.
County election officials throughout Florida are recounting votes as the campaigns take the battle to the courtroom.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Amazon is getting helipads out of its HQ2 deals
When Amazon started looking for a second headquarters location more than a year ago, the company asked cities to put their best offers on the table — in cash.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Panel: We don't have a royal family, but they act like one
The Lead political panel discusses.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Teens' apparent Nazi salute is terrifying
It's a terrifying sight: A pack of young white men, their arms extended in an apparent Sieg Heil salute, most of them smiling and seemingly laughing.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Prosecutor: Ohio family arrested in connection with 2016 killings
Four members of an Ohio family have been arrested in connection with the 2016 killings of eight members of a separate family, authorities said Tuesday, opening a new chapter in a massacre that stunned a rural southern Ohio community.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Her kidney donation now could save her granddaughter's life later
When Meghann Adams learned that she was pregnant in early 2015, she was ecstatic. Starting a family with her husband, Chris, had not been easy, but she was carrying twins. They were to be named Delly and Aubrey.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Ex-Navy captain pleads guilty to ghostwriting 'Fat Leonard' emails
A former US Navy captain has pleaded guilty to criminal conflict of interest charges after it emerged that he had provided secret public relations services for a defense contractor at the heart of the so-called "Fat Leonard" bribery scandal.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

1 pilot dead, 1 injured in Air Force plane crash
One pilot is dead and another hospitalized after a plane crash at a Texas Air Force base.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Prince Charles turns 70
Britain's Prince Charles, the heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II, has been "monarch-in-waiting" since 1952. That's the longest in British history.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

Monkey kills 12-day-old baby in India
A baby has died after being snatched from his mother's lap by a monkey in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 14, 2018

GQ Magazine's cover sparks backlash
GQ Magazine is facing backlash after a cover showcasing professional tennis player Serena Williams, who was named GQ's Woman of the Year, had the word "woman" in quotes.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Don Lemon: This is an indicator of chaos in White House
CNN's Don Lemon says the firing of deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel could be an indicator of chaos in the Trump administration.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Losing GOP incumbent calls out Trump
Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) says President Trump was not helpful during the 2018 midterm elections, responding to Trump's claim that he lost his re-election bid because he did not embrace Trump's agenda.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Jim Carrey targets Trump in blunt political cartoons
Jim Carrey's pen-and-ink drawings of Trump and other public figures reflect the political circus that inspires them.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

US-Saudi relationship: How real is it?
Among the most magical urban myths floating around the Trump administration is that Saudi Arabia is America's strategic partner and the relationship is simply too big to fail. Sadly, that relationship is already failing.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Opinion: Melania's dangerous move
By all accounts, Mira Ricardel has not made a lot of friends in the Trump administration. A key member of national security adviser John Bolton's team, she was brought in in April to help him shake up the national security staff. In the past, she had butted heads with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, and chief of staff John Kelly is reportedly not a fan, two former White House officials told the Washington Post.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Expect a 'drinking checkup' during your next doctor's visit
You can expect a "drinking checkup" when you visit the doctor. All adults, including pregnant women, should be screened for unhealthy alcohol use by their primary care physicians, the United States Preventive Services Task Force advises. For those patients who drink above the recommended limits, doctors should provide brief counseling to help them reduce their drinking, according to the new task force statement published Tuesday in the medical journal JAMA.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Mandy Moore' sweet 'This Is Us' song
Mandy Moore and fiancé Taylor Goldsmith make music together on Tuesday's episode of "This Is Us."

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Pay attention to what Brian Kemp did
"When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?" the renowned economist John Maynard Keynes was often quoted as asking. This is a question we ought to be asking of Chief Justice John Roberts and Congress in the wake of the 2018 elections -- most notably in Georgia.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Aide headed for exit after clash with Melania Trump's office
A feud with the first lady's office is expected to cost a senior national security adviser her job after she sparred with East Wing staff and other key members of the Trump administration.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Dave Chappelle photobombs couple
Tommy Saunders and Emily Eldridge were enjoying a photo shoot in Yellow Springs, Ohio, when Dave Chappelle hopped in on the couple's engagement photos.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Juul to eliminate social media accounts, stop retail sales of flavors
The CEO of e-cigarette maker Juul announced plans Tuesday to eliminate some of its social media accounts and halt most retail sales of flavor products as part of a plan to restrict access to minors. The plan came in response to the US Food and Drug Administration's September announcement that it would investigate major e-cigarette makers and review their sales and marketing practices.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Michelle Obama opens up about her marriage

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

States may now broaden mental health treatment under Medicaid
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services may now allow for states to pursue Medicaid reimbursements for short-term inpatient treatment in mental health facilities despite a decades-old exclusion, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced Tuesday.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

How to get the truth out of Trump
Since Donald Trump took office, he and his administration have been yelling about fake news and alternative facts. Now that the midterms are over, and the President is nearing the halfway point of his term, we need to accept that the way we cover this administration isn't working. The primary reason is Trump -- he does not act in the way traditional presidents act, particularly when it comes to handling affairs of state with honesty, care and decency.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

As more cases confirmed, CDC says evidence suggests 'viral association' for AFM
There are 10 more confirmed cases of acute flaccid myelitis, a polio-like illness that mostly affects children, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 90 in 27 states this year.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Don't panic about iPhone sales just yet
Less than two months after Apple refreshed its smartphone lineup, investors are once again panicking about whether enough people are buying iPhones.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

How Drake's birthday helped John Mayer quit drinking
Turns out Drake's 30th birthday party caused John Mayer to get in his feelings.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Jay Carney: Talent drew Amazon to NY and VA
Jay Carney, SVP of Worldwide Corporate Affairs at Amazon, discusses the company's decision to split its second headquarters between two locations.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Cindy Hyde-Smith's ignorance
Mississippi Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, who faces former Democratic Rep. Mike Espy in a run-off election on November 27, is facing public outcry after jokingly invoking "hanging" while campaigning in a state where lynching was once a common occurrence. "If he invited me to a public hanging, I'd be on the front row," Hyde-Smith is heard saying in a video posted to Twitter Sunday morning. She was referring to a cattle rancher who supported her. Hyde-Smith later issued a statement saying that she "used an exaggerated expression of regard [for a supporter], and any attempt to turn this into a negative connotation is ridiculous."

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Get a first look at 'Toy Story 4'
First look at "Toy Story 4"

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Trebek reveals contestant types that bother him
"Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek reveals the type of contestant that bothers him.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Girl foils possible kidnapping by doing this
A quick-thinking 10-year-old girl is being praised for thwarting a possible kidnapping attempt after she asked a man who approached her for a "code word" when he tried to lure her into his car.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Opinion: HQ2 could hurt those in need. Here's how the winning cities can make sure it doesn't

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

What Trump's 'sulk' told America's friends
Ron Freer is 103 years old. He is blind and uses a wheelchair. Ron lost his sight 75 years ago in the service of his country -- and the Allied Powers, which include Britain, France and the United States -- due to the malnutrition he endured in a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War II. He spent four years in the camp after the fall of the British military base at Fort Stanley.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Opinion: Why chasing HQ2 wasn't going to pay off
Amazon loves playing hard to get. First, they made cities across the country grovel -- and throw tax breaks and other benefits their way -- for the opportunity to be the company's second headquarters. Now, it seems HQ2 may instead be a pair of satellite offices in near-to-DC Virginia and New York City.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Japan's economy has a $5 trillion problem
An epic bond-buying spree by Japan's central bank means it's now sitting on assets worth more than the country's entire economy.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Sandra Bullock donates big to save animals
Sandra Bullock has proved her congeniality extends to animals, too.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 13, 2018

Are the celery juice health benefits real?
It sounds simple enough: juice a bunch of celery, drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and wait for the health benefits to roll in.

CNN Top Stories
Nov 12, 2018

The Japanese secret to living longer
What if you could live longer just by doing more of what you love to do most?

CNN Top Stories
Nov 07, 2018

'The Grinch' returns to steal Christmas
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" remains arguably the best of TV's animated Christmas specials. Yet the Chuck Jones/Dr. Seuss holiday classic is a model of storytelling economy, whereas the new version, "Dr. Seuss' The Grinch," captures sparks of that magic while straining to treble its size -- like the Grinch's small heart, only here for theatrical purposes.

CNN Top Stories
Oct 30, 2018

WeWork's first school teaches yoga, farming
Inside WeWork's New York City headquarters on a Thursday morning, a handful of kids are selling radishes, kale and peppers.

CNN Top Stories
Oct 26, 2018

A tired dad and his hungry infant led to a radical new baby bottle
It was the middle of the night and Ayal Lanternari was rushing to warm up refrigerated breast milk for his three-month-old baby.

CNN Top Stories
Oct 01, 2018

Uber invests millions to build flying taxis in France
Uber wants to build flying taxis in France.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Why NFL teams are worried that he plays 10 instruments

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

'Shoot me in the head!' the Toronto suspect yelled. The officer refused.
"Get down!" commands the Toronto police officer, his gun raised, his voice firm.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Suspect seems to have praised a mass killer
Alek Minassian, the man accused of steering a white rental van down a packed Toronto street killing 10 people and leaving 15 others injured, appears to have praised the killer in a 2014 attack near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Results are in: Best travel credit cards of 2018

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Your best refinance rates for April 2018

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

2 savings accounts pay 10x what your bank pays

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Bitcoin up 240,000X: Here's your backdoor plan

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

It's a boy! Photos of the royal baby

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Report: Heisman winner in play for NFL's No. 1 pick

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Report: Eagles owner criticized Trump in meeting

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Mitt Romney taunts Russell Westbrook courtside

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

NFL QB pulls prank on college football team

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Trump jokingly brushes 'dandruff' off Macron
President Donald Trump said his "special relationship" with French President Emmanuel Macron is not fake news.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Murder charges filed in Toronto van attack
Alek Minassian, the man suspected of plowing into pedestrians with a van Monday, was charged Tuesday with 10 counts of first-degree murder in a Toronto court.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Murder charges filed in van attack
Alek Minassian, the man suspected of plowing into pedestrians with a van Monday, was charged Tuesday with 10 counts of first-degree murder in a Toronto court.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Spotify revamps app for non-paying users

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

The 10-year Treasury yield just hit a milestone

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Rescuers pull workers to safety after scaffolding collapse
Rescuers in Miami are working to pluck construction workers trapped on a piece of dangling scaffolding, video from CNN affiliate WSVN shows.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Hearing for Trump's VA pick delayed as allegations threaten his nomination
Lawmakers leading the confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump's pick to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs announced on Tuesday morning that the hearings will be delayed.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Melania Trump's white hat steals the show
First lady Melania Trump turned heads in her white chapeau Tuesday as the administration hosted its first official state visit with France.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Who loses if Trump ditches Iran deal?

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Democrats see today's Arizona special election as a barometer
Voters outside of Phoenix head to the polls on Tuesday, looking to fill a vacancy created when Republican Rep. Trent Franks resigned in December amid sexual harassment allegations.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Trump calls Michael Cohen question 'stupid'

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Toronto suspect appears to have praised an American mass killer
Alek Minassian, the man accused of steering a white rental van down a packed Toronto street killing 10 people and leaving 15 others injured, appears to have praised the killer in a 2014 attack near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Former President George H.W. Bush is alert, but still in intensive care
Former President George H.W. Bush is in intensive care, CNN has learned.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Analysis: This Ronny Jackson mess was entirely predictable
When President Donald Trump named White House physician Ronny Jackson as his choice to be the next head of the Department of Veterans Affairs, it caught lots of people -- inside and outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- by surprise.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Trump begins state visit with Macron discussing his polls
President Donald Trump served up a dinner of Dover sole and political talk on the first night of his inaugural state visit, with intensive discussions over the Iran deal and Syria still to come on Tuesday.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

John Mayer takes on new gig
John Mayer tries his hand as a makeup artist by sharing a smoky eye tutorial with fans online.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Dr. Gupta: Medical marijuana will save many addicted to opioids
Research suggests that if safe and regulated medicinal marijuana were made available nationally, up to 10,000 lives could be saved every year.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Why the electoral battlefield is expanding
Two recent polls indicating surprising Democratic strength in Senate races across the Southwest underscore how the parties' shifting demographic and geographic bases of support are widening the electoral battlefield.

CNN Top Stories
Apr 24, 2018

Amazon now delivers to the trunk of your car

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