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Sports Illustrated MLBSep 13, 2017
Dodgers Snap 11-Game Losing Streak, Clinch Playoff Berth

Dodgers clinch postseason, end losing streak (Major League Baseball News)
Dodgers end 11-game skid, clinch playoff berth (ESPN Sports)

Major League Baseball NewsSep 13, 2017
Postseason sealed, Dodgers turn to bigger goals
The Dodgers weren't even aware they had clinched a postseason berth Tuesday night, but they now shift back into focus on the ultimate goal. With a lead over Arizona once 21 games now cut to 10, the Dodgers' magic number to clinch the National League West is down to eight. Even after a tailspin that saw them lose 16 of 17 games, the Dodgers still have the home-field advantage for the postseason with 17 games to play.

Road to the Postseason: Sept. 13 (Major League Baseball News)

Sports Illustrated MLBSep 12, 2017
When Did the Dodgers Move to Los Angeles?
When did the Dodgers actually move to Los Angeles?
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