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Huffington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

What You Need To Know About The Special Election In Arizona
Democrat Hiral Tipirneni's race against Republican Debbie Lesko has been surprisingly close.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

'Tree Hugger' Donald Trump Gets Mauled On Twitter Over Planting Ceremony
"Apparently Macron didn't realize that Trump hates all things nature, including trees."

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Greyhound Is Choosing To Let Border Patrol Demand Its Passengers' Papers
The company says it's following the law. The ACLU says it's consenting to warrantless searches it could refuse.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Trump Reportedly Uses Private Cell Phone More Often Amid Kelly's Waning Influence
"This is potentially a gold mine of intelligence," James Clapper said.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Flight Records Disprove Trump's Claim About 'Pee Tape' Weekend Whereabouts
The president insisted he didn't spend a night in Moscow. Records show he did.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Senate Delays Confirmation Hearings For White House Doctor Ronny Jackson
The postponement appears to be related to questions about qualifications and past conduct.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Arizona Congresswoman Alleges Sexual Abuse By High School Coach
Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) says her track coach pressured her to have sex with him. He denies the accusation.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

GOP Congressman Doug Lamborn Thrown Off The Ballot For 2018
The Colorado Supreme Court ruling means the congressman can't run for re-election, at least as a Republican.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Here's Why Many Americans Are Choosing Not To Vote This Year
About two-thirds of unregistered and "unlikely" voters said politics are too corrupt to merit attention.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Kris Kobach Tells A Misleading Tale About Why He Was Held In Contempt
The Kansas secretary of state claimed the contempt finding by a federal judge was "ridiculous."

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Rand Paul Flip-Flops On Secretary Of State Nominee Mike Pompeo
The CIA director received a favorable endorsement from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Andrew Cuomo Faces A Big Test On Climate Change. He's Already Failed Twice.
As the New York governor scrambles to fend off a primary challenger, will he finally back state lawmakers trying to pass the nation's most ambitious climate bill?

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

John Bolton Sends ‘Shot Across The Bow' Of The Sole Survivor Of 'Axis Of Adults'
The new national security adviser names as his deputy a foe of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Sean Hannity Defends Real Estate Empire Aided By HUD Loans
The Fox News host defended his choice not to disclose his investments, despite covering the HUD secretary on his show.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

White Americans Say The Starbucks Arrests Were An Isolated Incident. Black Americans Say They Were Part Of A Pattern.
Americans' personal experiences in stores and restaurants also show signs of a racial divide.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Cage-Free-Egg Laws Spur Cage Match Between States
Although some consumers say they want eggs from happy chickens, their buying habits indicate they want eggs that are cheap. Now some states are taking sides.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Tennessee Shooting Suspect Arrested Last Year At White House
Travis Reinking's guns were taken away after he tried to meet with the president, but his dad apparently got them back for him.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Michael Bloomberg Contributes $4.5 Million For Paris Climate Deal After Trump Bails
"America made a commitment."

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 23, 2018

Pruitt Met With Lobbyist Linked To His Bargain Condo To Discuss EPA Activity
Lobbyist claimed he hadn't talked to EPA chief for "many months."

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

Ivana Trump Doesn't Know Many Men Who 'Can Keep Their Zippers Up'
Ivana called the news of her son's alleged affair "distressing because I've been there."

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

4 Presidents, 4 First Ladies Pose For Photo At Barbara Bush Funeral
What a photo.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

Trump Celebrates Earth Day By Praising Rollback Of Environmental Protections
The president's dubious logic on conservation is being called out on Twitter.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

Sen. Bob Corker Not That Excited About The Leading Republican To Replace Him
Saying he has worked with Marsha Blackburn "for some time," he adds, "And I don't know what else to say."

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

Iran's Top Diplomat Says 'All Options Are On The Table' If U.S. Pulls Out Of Nuclear Deal
President Donald Trump set a May 12 deadline to decide what to do on the nuclear agreement.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

Kellyanne Conway Flips Out When Asked About Her Husband's Trump-Trolling Tweets
The White House counselor doesn't take kindly to the questioning from CNN's Dana Bash.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

Mitt Romney Fails To Secure Utah Senate GOP Nomination, Will Face Primary
Romney fell short of getting the nod at the state's Republican Convention.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

The GOP Has One Big Idea For Health Care Reform: Crappier Insurance
Republicans are busy bringing back junk plans, pre-existing condition exclusions and higher costs for the sick.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

9 Democrats Sign Up To Help Wall Street Steal Cars
They're backing a bill to undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 22, 2018

Tweeters Furious Over Trump Calling Mar-a-Lago The 'Southern White House'
He used Barbara Bush's funeral as an opportunity to plug his golf resort.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 21, 2018

Militarized Cops At Tiny Georgia Neo-Nazi Rally Arrest Counterprotesters For Wearing Masks
They cited a state law from the 1950s that was initially intended to go after hooded KKK members.

Huffington Post Politics
Apr 21, 2018

NYT Reporter Hits Back At Trump, Says She Knows Who The 'Drunk/Drugged-Up Loser' Is
Maggie Haberman believes Trump is too intimidated by Roger Stone to talk about him that way.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

What To Know About MS-13, The Gang Trump Is Using To Push His Immigration Plan
Its tactics are vicious, but it isn't "taking over" the country.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel Can't Soften DACA Opponents, Even With A Cute Baby
"I think that this country has become cruel," the "Jimmy Kimmel Live" host said.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Wednesday's Morning Email: What You Missed Last Night In Trump's State Of The Union
From immigration to climate change.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Michelle Obama Dishes To Ellen About Melania Trump's Inauguration Gift
Now we know what was inside that Tiffany box.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Trump Touts North Korean Defector He Once Banned As 'An Inspiration'
Trump's travel ban would have prevented Ji Seong-ho from attending Tuesday's State of the Union speech.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

What A Year This Month Has Been
All of these things happened in January 2018. No, seriously, they really did.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon Vaguely Promise To Fix Health Care
People got way too excited about Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan's new health care venture.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Donald Trump Got Clap-Happy During The State Of The Union, And Twitter Noticed
"Why is Trump clapping for himself? It's almost like he's a narcissist or something."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

In Era Of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders Sees ‘The Beginning Of A Political Revolution'
The Vermont senator's response to the State of the Union was long, fiery and surprisingly optimistic.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Trump's First SOTU Includes The Typical Falsehoods, Avoids The Typical Insanity
But tomorrow is a new day, and his neglected Twitter feed awaits.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Trump Says He Stands With Hurricane Victims He's Ignored For Months
"You have to conclude he just doesn't care and probably thinks of Puerto Rico as just another shithole country."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 31, 2018

Democrats Ignore Climate Change In State Of The Union Rebuttal
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was the only one to bring up global warming after the second-hottest year on record.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump Spent 49 Seconds Of SOTU On Opioid Crisis That Claimed 64,000 Lives In A Year
One Democratic candidate in opioid-ravaged Ohio clocked Trump's remarks and said it's clear the president "has no plan."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump's Promise On Drug Prices Looks Pretty Empty
He's got no ideas, and he's shown no interest in developing any.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump Calls On Congress To Empower Agencies To Oust Federal Workers
Trump's statement "serves the goal of politicizing the career ranks," said former U.S. ethics chief Walter Shaub.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Donald Trump Pits Dreamers Against American Citizens In State Of The Union
The president framed immigration as a violent threat.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Joe Kennedy: Trump Is ‘Turning American Life Into A Zero-Sum Game'
The Massachusetts Democrat responded to the State of the Union speech with a call for policies that help all Americans.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump's Big Infrastructure Plan Now Looks Like Bait And Switch
His grand vision of an Eisenhower-style revitalization appears to be anything but.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

The Hidden Extremism Of Trump's State Of The Union
The most important part of Trump's State of the Union address is what he didn't say.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump's State Of The Union Keeps Up His Racist Fight With Black Athletes
The president used the speech to take a thinly veiled shot at NFL players who have protested during the national anthem.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

The Congressional Black Caucus Wasn't Having It When Trump Mentioned Black Unemployment
Members didn't clap. They didn't emote. They sat there and gave Trump a blank stare.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump's State Of The Union Victory Lap On ISIS Is Garbage
The president maintains he didn't just build on Obama's strategy. Don't fall for it.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump Touts 'Beautiful, Clean Coal' And Fails To Link Disasters To Climate Change
"We have ended the war on American energy, and we have ended the war on beautiful, clean coal."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump Is Obsessed With The Size Of His Tax Cut, Can't Admit It's Not The Biggest
"Since we passed tax cuts, roughly 3 million workers have already gotten tax cut bonuses ? many of them thousands of dollars per worker," Trump said.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Trump Executive Order Helps Cement Guantanamo's Status As A Forever Prison
The president had said he would keep Gitmo open and "load it up with some bad dudes."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Read The Full Text Of Donald Trump's State Of The Union Address
The speech touches on immigration, the economy and national security.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Hillary Clinton Addresses Campaign Employee's Alleged Sexual Harassment In Lengthy Facebook Post
"The short answer is this: If I had it to do again, I wouldn't," she wrote.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Lawmakers Wear Black To Donald Trump's State Of The Union Address
The move echoed a similar fashion statement made at the Golden Globe Awards to highlight victims of sexual harassment and assault.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Recy Taylor Was Gang-Raped In 1944. Her Niece's Silence At Trump's Speech Will Say Everything.
There was no justice, no recourse for her aunt, who stood up anyway. Her quiet presence at the State of the Union address will speak volumes today.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Read Live Updates On Trump's First State Of The Union Address
He outlined his goals for the coming year.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

GOP Congressman Calls For Undocumented SOTU Guests To Be Arrested On The Spot
What a nice guy.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Slams Anti-Trump Celebs: People Don't Care What They Think
"Look, I think if Americans cared what celebrities thought, then Hillary Clinton would be president."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Paul Ryan Urges Republicans Not To Use Memo Attacking Trump Probe To Attack Trump Probe
The speaker of the House implored Republicans not to broadly disparage law enforcement or undermine an ongoing criminal investigation.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Tuesday's Morning Email: House Republicans To Release Their Secret Memo Attacking Russia Probe
And the State of the Union is tonight.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

In 2016, Scott Pruitt Called Trump A Bully Who Would Abuse The Constitution
The EPA administrator said Tuesday that he doesn't recall making such comments.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

RNC Troubled By Steve Wynn Sexual Assault Allegations, Plans To Keep His Money Anyway
This is the same RNC that aggressively went after Democrats to return Harvey Weinstein's contributions.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

The State Of The Union Drinking Game To Help You Through The Night
President Trump doesn't drink, but you may want to.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Congress Passes Bill To Protect Young Athletes Following Nassar Sentencing
"How a serial predator like Dr. Nassar could have preyed on so many young girls for a long time in such a flagrant fashion is appalling."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

DNC Executive Steps Down At Key Moment For Democrats
Jess O'Connell will leave as CEO of Democratic Party headquarters after less than a year.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Companies Are On A Cheap Charm Offensive For Trump's Tax Bill
Major firms tout small perks for workers while funneling huge payouts to shareholders.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

These 'No Promo Homo' Laws Are Hurting LGBTQ Students Across America
Seven states still have laws that specifically target gay students.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

With State Of The Union Guests, Democrats Send Trump A Message
Nearly 30 Democratic lawmakers have invited Dreamers to Trump's first State of the Union address.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Mike Huckabee Skewered Over 'Despicable' Joke About Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"Mike Huckabee seems intent on trying to one-up Trump in bad behavior."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

ICE Deports Palestinian Man Living In The U.S. For Almost 40 Years Despite Outcry
The agency defied a request from the House Judiciary Commitee to review his case.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Pentagon Blocks Release Of Key Data About Progress On The War In Afghanistan
The military also classified, for the first time since 2009, the actual and authorized total troop numbers and attrition rate for the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

CIA Director Mike Pompeo: Russia Will Try To Interfere With 2018 Elections
"But I am confident that America will be able to have a free and fair election."

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 30, 2018

Teleprompter Trump To Give His Big Speech. Twitter Trump Likely To Step All Over It.
Even Republicans understand that Trump's State of the Union message probably won't survive a few news cycles.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Spanish-Language SOTU Respondent: Democrats 'Cannot Be Centrist Any More'
Virginia Del. Elizabeth Guzman (D) represents the new, more progressive face of the Democratic Party.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Republicans Beg Supreme Court To Let Them Keep Using An Unconstitutional Map
"There is no need to hurry" to redraw those congressional districts, they said.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Trump Administration Signals It Is Not Imposing New Sanctions On Russia
Members of Congress pushed for new sanctions to punish Moscow for interference in the election.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Here's The 'Urgent Wish List' Trophy Hunters Sent To Ryan Zinke
The administration seemed to be moving forward with the requests — until Donald Trump surprised everyone by stepping in.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Meet The Progressive Immigrant Lawmaker Who Will Respond To Donald Trump In Spanish
"This happened so fast," Virginia Del. Elizabeth Guzman (D) said.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

House Republicans Vote To Release Classified Memo They Wrote Attacking Russia Probe
The memo's release is part of a sustained GOP attack on investigations into Trump and Russia.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

State Of The Union Tickets Feature Major Misspelling: 'Uniom'
Spell check before you print? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Lawmakers To Bring Sexual Assault Survivors And Activists To State Of The Union
"Because one more victim is too much," said one advocate accompanying a congresswoman to the event.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Senate Fails To Pass 20-Week Abortion Ban
The GOP tried to pressure vulnerable Democrats into supporting it.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Sean Spicer Says RNC Should Return Steve Wynn Donations
"I think we need to have a standard that says that if a credible allegation comes, we need to take it absolutely seriously," the former Donald Trump aide said.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, A Frequent Trump Foil, Is Leaving The Bureau
He was an ally of former FBI Director James Comey, and has been at the center of some of the bureau's biggest cases in recent years.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

The Forgotten Asian Refugees Fed Into The U.S. Prison System
The U.S. took in Asian refugees after the Vietnam War, only to put many on a deportation path. A record number could be fed into this system in 2018.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen To Retire
Another Republican calls it quits.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Brits Plan Massive Protest For Donald Trump's Visit To London
Tens of thousands have already signed up for the demonstrations on Facebook.

Huffington Post Politics
Jan 29, 2018

Nikki Haley Trashes Hillary Clinton's Surprise Grammy Appearance
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations doesn't want politics in her music.

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