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Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Marco Rubio roasted for ‘3 pt kick' tweet about Florida election
The consensus online was that the senator did not quite split the uprights with his analogy.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Congressional leadership elections: Pelosi seeks to shore up votes for speaker
Senators of both parties and House Republicans are picking their leaders. House Democrats vote later this month, but plenty of jockeying is expected Wednesday.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

2018: The year of dog whistle politics
This year, many of Trump's fellow Republicans seemed to follow him in the practice.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

The Daily 202: Hate crimes are a much bigger problem than even the new FBI statistics show
Many jurisdictions aren't keeping track.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Trump's post-election rage, and what it suggests about his alternate reality
Is Trump really surprised by what just happened? History suggests it's possible.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

The Energy 202: Green protests at Pelosi's office signal rift over Democratic climate strategy
The cracks are already showing.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

The Health 202: FDA chief defends crackdown on e-cigarettes despite conservative criticism
Scott Gottlieb rebuked his "former friends in the libertarian community."

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

The Finance 202: Kudlow-Navarro spat reveals ongoing White House split over China
Trump and Xi meet in Buenos Aires at end of this month.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

The Cybersecurity 202: Amazon is now at the center of a debate over public safety versus privacy
Prosecutors are trying to force Amazon to turn over data on Echo device for a murder case.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

An unprecedented number of female military veterans ran as Democrats this year. Here's why they were unusually successful.
Democrats nominated about as many female veterans this year as Republicans have ever nominated.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Thomas Homan, a possible replacement for DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, praises her leadership
The tough-talking former acting director of ICE said he considers Nielsen "a strong secretary" despite reports that Trump is looking to replace her.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Why we're still waiting for election results from Florida and Georgia — and why newly counted ballots favor Democrats
It's a feature of the system, not a flaw.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

These incoming House Democrats are still dodging questions about Nancy Pelosi
No fewer than eight incoming House Democrats plan to vote against Nancy Pelosi for speaker.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Matthew Whitaker's shaky legal footing, explained
Whitaker is relying upon an 1898 Supreme Court case that differs in many respects from his own situation.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Power Up: McCarthy caught between #MAGA and GOP
"My Kevin" is expected to win the contest for majority leader today.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

‘Bill Clinton should want to apologize': Monica Lewinsky opens up about scandal in new documentary
The former White House intern wrote an essay published Tuesday in Vanity Fair explaining why she chose to participate in "The Clinton Affair."

Washington Post Politics
Nov 14, 2018

Does the Trump tax cut give 83 percent of the benefits to the top 1 percent?
Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) and Maria Bartiromo sparred over whether his talking point was accurate.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 13, 2018

Nine Democrats want promises from Pelosi in exchange for speaker votes
The Democrats are members of the Problem Solvers Caucus, a group formed to promote bipartisanship in the House.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 13, 2018

For Trump, even disaster response is colored in red and blue
California has been a leader in the resistance to Trump, and his disdain for it has been evident during repeated bouts of wildfires and other difficulties.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 13, 2018

Key contests in Florida and Georgia remain mired in uncertainty amid expanding legal fights over ballot counts
A slew of new lawsuits could further prolong the vote count in both states.

Washington Post Politics
Nov 13, 2018

Five days of fury: Inside Trump's Paris temper, election woes and staff upheaval
The president's post-election outbursts during his Paris trip include a testy call with the British prime minister and threats to fire aides.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

First state visit of Trump era a test of French president's bet he can bargain with self-described master dealmaker
Trump has appeared eager to use the visit to solidify his relationship with Macron.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

George H.W. Bush hospitalized one day after the funeral for his wife, Barbara
The former president, 93, was admitted to a Houston hospital on Sunday "after contracting an infection that spread to his blood," his spokesman said.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

If Putin has kompromat on Trump, how might he use it?
Blackmail is hard.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

In Africa, presidential term limits are working
Term limits are nudging countries toward more democracy.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Q&A for federal workers: Shrinking workspaces
Reducing the "footprint" of federal agencies can mean less elbow room for their employees.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Sanctuary cities don't 'breed crime.' They encourage people to report crime.
We surveyed a unique sample of undocumented Mexican nationals living in San Diego County.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Trump doesn't like China's economic nationalism. So why is his administration stirring it up?
The administration's punishment of one of China's biggest firms is leading the Chinese government to double down on its own tech capacity.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

The Health 202: The health care world slams Trump's proposal for short-term insurance plans
The deadline to comment on the HHS proposal just passed.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

The Finance 202: Wells Fargo shrinks lobbying team as it faces crisis in Washington
Bank officials say Wells Fargo is reorganizing its approach.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

The Energy 202: Why Scott Pruitt's decision on burning wood is so high stakes
The notion that biomass is carbon neutral is contentious among scientists.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Trump-the-politician seems to be hurting Trump-the-businessman — at least in New York
A Factba.se review of over 33,000 sales in six states shows a clear slump in Trump's back yard.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

McCain discharged from hospital, returns to home near Sedona, Ariz.
The six-term senator, who is battling brain cancer, had surgery for an intestinal infection.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

The Daily 202: VA nominee's struggles are a consequence of Trump's vetting failures
Ronny Jackson's confirmation hearing has been postponed pending a congressional review of new revelations.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Senate to postpone confirmation hearing for Ronny Jackson to head Veterans Affairs, White House officials told
The development came just two days before Jackson was scheduled to appear before the Senate.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Senate panel narrowly endorses Mike Pompeo for secretary of state after Trump intervenes with key Republican
Trump's supporters were determined to have Pompeo enter office without the mark of being the first secretary of state in almost a century to fail a committee vote.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Maxine Waters's cringeworthy explanation for her 180 on James Comey
Waters once said Comey had "no credibility." Now, she says, "Then was then, and now is now." Indeed.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

For better or worse, Ronny Jackson perfectly encapsulates Trump's staffing system
The latest in a pattern established by George Papadopoulos.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

White House stands by embattled nominee to lead Veterans Affairs
A spokesman said Ronny Jackson, whose nomination has been questioned by lawmakers from both parties, is ‘exactly what's needed' at VA.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Why Mike Pompeo's Senate confirmation is historic — and not in a good way for Trump
Partisanship, yes. But Trump isn't making life easier for his pick to be secretary of state.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Trump's denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart
A new Bloomberg report disputes Trump's contention to James Comey that he didn't stay overnight in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant.

Washington Post Politics
Apr 24, 2018

Trump keeps saying he's innocent. So why does he keep sounding like he's guilty?
Trump's ‘flip' argument about his lawyer-fixer is the latest instance of the president adopting a combative posture that creates the appearance of a coverup.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

The Finance 202: Elizabeth Warren urges Wall Street to leverage relationship with gun industry
The possible 2020 contender is taking up the fight.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Why the poor don't vote to soak the rich
The poor underestimate how much the rich earn, while the rich underestimate the poverty of the poor.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

How one Florida Republican came to support a ban on assault weapons after the Parkland shooting
Rep. Brian Mast, currently serving his first term, lost his legs in Afghanistan. He now believes military-style weapons have no place in domestic life.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Is Xi Jinping now a 'leader for life,' like Mao? Here's why this is dangerous.
Xi's rising personal power breaks old rules — and raises red flags.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Parties to pick nominees in nasty Arizona race to replace Trent Franks
Twelve Republicans are competing in the Republican-leaning district in a contest rocked by an accusation of inappropriate behavior.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

The Energy 202: FEMA contract cobbled together from Internet sources, senators say
Not exactly confidence inspiring, Democrats argue.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

The Daily 202: Trump gets a seminar on federalism as governors push back on arming teachers
POTUS punts to the states.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump's Facebook advertising advantage, explained
A tweet from Trump's reported 2020 campaign manager raises interesting questions about Facebook advertising.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

The Health 202: 'Dreamers' have yet another worry: Losing their health coverage
The Supreme Court decision has indefinitely delayed that possibility, too.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump names longtime aide Brad Parscale as campaign manager for 2020 reelection effort
Parscale, who helped lead Trump's massive Facebook strategy in 2016, returns in a larger role for the president's reelection bid.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump said he would charge a gunman. Here's what he's actually done in the face of danger.
Five Vietnam draft deferments. Ducking when rushed. Shrinking from an eagle. For all his talk, the president is not big on public displays of bravery.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump country is gun country
The NRA is given credit for a political power that likely would have existed without it.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

No quick action on guns likely, with House, Senate and Trump all mired in politics
As student survivors canvass Capitol Hill, even a modest effort to improve federal criminal background checks is facing short-term obstacles.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Sen. Bob Corker will not run for reelection
His decision comes after a period of reconsidering whether to run for another term.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Hope Hicks resists House investigators' questions about the Trump administration
The Trump communications chief is speaking privately with the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Democrats marshal strike force to counter Trump on national security in 2018, 2020 elections
Obama-era veterans are betting that foreign policy issues will be bigger concerns for voters than in 2016.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Central federal jobs site tightens security controls
Two-factor authentication is now required for accessing the USAJobs portal, which on average includes 20,000 vacancies.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

One-third of Trump's tweets in the past week appear inspired by Fox News
The president seems to look to his favorite cable news network for guidance on what to think and say.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Supreme Court throws out ruling that said detained immigrants deserve bond hearings
Conservative majority says law doesn't provide even those held for years a bail review.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump is talking about doing something that might be illegal — again
Lots of people will like what he's doing on bump stocks. That doesn't mean it's any less problematic.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

Trump stops short of full endorsement of gun proposals
Lawmakers say the fate of any firearms restrictions after the Florida school shooting rests with the president.

Washington Post Politics
Feb 27, 2018

The weight of the known Mueller indictments now falls solely on Manafort and the Russians
How the special counsel's investigation has evolved over the course of this month.

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