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Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Canada's Q1 Growth Prospects Dimming
GDP's January contraction sets stage for subdued growth.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Next Recession Can't Be Blamed on Consumer Credit Markets
Lending goes mostly to those with high credit scores, but consumers will nevertheless be affected.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Economic Roundup: Hurdles Remain for U.S. Home Sales
Existing-home sales rose in March but mortgage rates, tax changes and lean inventories are issues.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Approach of 3% 10-Year Treasury Yield Prompts Share Prices to Retreat
Industrial commodity prices bear watching.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Existing-Home Sales Edge Higher In March
The first quarter was still rough, with a decline in the annualized rate.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

U.S. Chartbook: Housing and Labor Markets Face Supply Constraints
Threats to trade rattle some nerves but leave no imprints on incoming data.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

U.S. Weekly Highlights and Preview, April 20, 2018
First quarter economic growth is on the agenda.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 20, 2018

Economic Roundup: U.S. Labor Market Heads Toward Its Tightest in Recent Memory
The supply of labor is the chief reason for the recent slowdown in net job creation.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 20, 2018

Baa Offerings Top High-Grade Issuance
High-yield bond offerings were riskier during the prior upturn.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 20, 2018

Canada Weekly: Hold Your Horses
The Bank of Canada delays its next rate hike amid weaker growth and rising trade uncertainty.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 20, 2018

U.S. Regional Outlook: Still Showing Strength
It is difficult to find a metro area where the unemployment rate is rising.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 19, 2018

Economic Roundup: U.S. Manufacturing Conditions Strengthen
Initial claims suggest that the U.S. labor market also remains in good health.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 19, 2018

Base Metals Price Inflation Favors Higher Treasury Bond Yields
This week, the Moody's industrial metals price index had its steepest daily advance since 2015.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 19, 2018

Cross-Sector: Market Data Highlights

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 18, 2018

Economic Roundup: Bank of Canada Opts to Sit Tight
BoC wants to make sure Q1 weakness is temporary, while the Fed is not ignoring the yield curve.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 18, 2018

A3, Baa1 Bonds Top Other Ratings by Wide Margin in Outstandings
Except for the A3, each of the rating notches was below its record high.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 18, 2018

Who's to Blame for the Flattening Yield Curve?
The U.S. Treasury has been on a issuance binge, pushing short-term rates higher.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 18, 2018

U.S. Employment Outlook: Wage Growth Still Contained
The tightening labor market will force employers to boost wages to retain and attract workers.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 17, 2018

Equity Rally Has Yet to Meaningfully Lift Treasury Bond Yields
Meanwhile, the spec-grade bond yield has retreated considerably from its most recent high.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 17, 2018

Economic Roundup: Mother Nature Helps IP, but Attention Shifts to Yield Curve
U.S. manufacturing production was solid in Q1; yield curve isn't raising a red flag yet.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 17, 2018

The U.S. Labor Market's Magic Number
Break-even job growth is higher than previously thought.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 17, 2018

Markets Appear to See Fed Headed for a Policy Mistake
The Fed has prepped financial markets for an inflation overshoot.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 17, 2018

Foreign Demand for U.S. Treasuries Likely to Weaken
Lower demand will add to the expected pattern of rising interest rates needed to find buyers.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 16, 2018

Outstandings Show Investment-Grade Yields up 8.1%, High-Yields Down 1.5%
Investment-grade grew in the first quarter to a record $5.99 trillion.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Apr 16, 2018

Economic Roundup: March Retail Sales Unable to Salvage Q1
Control sales were up 1% annualized in the first quarter, among the smallest gains this cycle.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 27, 2018

Consumers Haven't Been This Happy Since the Early 2000s
Sentiment can help but doesn't move the needed much on spending.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 27, 2018

Composition of Q1 GDP Growth Shifts
Trade is a larger drag while inventories provide some offset.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 27, 2018

Trade Not Kind to U.S. in January
Net exports will likely be a bigger drag on Q1 GDP than previously thought.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 26, 2018

Thin Spreads Reflect Complacency on the Upside for Treasury Yields
Unexpected setbacks in housing raise questions about the sustainability of a greater than 3% 10-year Treasury yield.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 26, 2018

Economic Roundup: U.S. Housing Off to a Slow Start
New-home sales unexpectedly fell in January, but weather was likely a factor.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 26, 2018

New-Home Sales Add to a String of Softer Housing Data
Weather was likely an issue in January.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 26, 2018

U.S. Chartbook: Inflation Stirs, Fed Demurs
Policymakers show little urgency to tighten, but leading price indicators are heating up.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 26, 2018

U.S. Weekly Highlights and Preview, February 23, 2018
The economic calendar heats up.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 23, 2018

VIX Close Is the Lowest Since February 1
This month's slide has been accompanied by a narrowing of the high-yield bond spread.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 23, 2018

Economic Roundup: More Noise Than Signal in Canadian and Euro Zone Inflation
The deceleration will be temporary.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 23, 2018

U.S. Employment Outlook: Job Market Maintains Momentum
The most notable aspect of the January report was the 0.3% jump in average hourly earnings.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 23, 2018

Canada Weekly: Let's Make a Deal
Canadian trade agreements with Asian and Latin American partners raise questions about trade with the U.S.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 22, 2018

The Fed's Prime-Age Cohort Merits Attention
The 0.4% annual rise in the cohort's size may help to limit the climb by the 10-year Treasury yield.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 22, 2018

Economic Roundup: Partying Like It's 1973
U.S. initial claims drop and are among the lowest since the early 1970s.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 22, 2018

Softer Home Sales May Blunt Climb by Treasury Yields
Likewise, a weakening of industrial commodity prices could have a similar effect.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 22, 2018

U.S. Regional Outlook: Larger Metro Areas Win—For Now
The coming year should be a good one nearly all around the country.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 21, 2018

Economic Roundup: A Confident Bunch
The Fed is growing more upbeat about the economy and rate path but is still debating inflation.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 21, 2018

U.S. Residential Investment Could Suffer as Rates Rise
Sensitivity to mortgage rates has increased.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 21, 2018

U.S. Home Sales Not Getting Easier
Lack of inventory and rising mortgage rates could continue to weigh on coming months.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 21, 2018

U.S. Chartbook: Taking a Breather
Industrial production and retail sales slip, as inflation surprises to the upside.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 21, 2018

Debt and Taxes
For better or worse, U.S. consumers will continue to spend and borrow in 2018.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 20, 2018

VIX Soars and High-Yield Bond Issuance Plummets
Fears of a deep and extended slide by equity prices have surfaced

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 20, 2018

Economic Roundup: Don't Let the Economic Calendar Lull You to Sleep
There should be plenty of action in the U.S. bond market.

Dismal.com: Analysis
Feb 20, 2018

Only Certainty for U.S. Consumer Spending Is Uncertainty
Timing of tax cuts and refunds could cause big swings in spending in February and March.

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