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WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Trump at the Supreme Court
His travel ban may be unnecessary but it is clearly constitutional.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

The Art of Someone Else's Deal
Europe and Mexico show the world can trade without the U.S.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Pompeo and Rand Paul Circumstance
The nominee advances despite a Senate Foreign Relations farce.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

If GDP Lags, Watch the Economy GO
‘Gross output' reflects the full value of the supply chain, and it portends much faster growth.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

English Literature Isn't Brain Surgery
Why is American medicine so expensive? One reason is that doctors are forced to get bachelor's degrees.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

The President and the Art of the Oil Painting
For a man forged in the noise and anger of warfare, Eisenhower painted as if he had spent his whole life yearning for tranquillity.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Trump Needs Allies on Trade
This week's meetings with Macron and Merkel provide an opportunity to reaffirm common interests.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

The Quarles Quarrel Hurts the Fed
Until he's confirmed, he can't function as an independent central banker.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

The Elitists' Trump Excuse
His critics may be more corrupting to democracy and decency than he is.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un's Low-Stakes Summit
If the leaders meet, they're likelier to reframe the standoff than to resolve it.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 23, 2018

Waffle House Hero
James Shaw Jr.'s courage stops the carnage.

WSJ Opinion
Apr 22, 2018

A Crisis in Guatemala, Abetted by the U.N.
Instability in Central America will spill into Mexico and spur more migrants to the U.S.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

Trump's Offer to Democrats
His agenda has plenty of room for bipartisan compromise.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

Pruitt's Bad Pebble Precedent
The Trump EPA ratifies a pre-emptive Obama veto on projects.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 31, 2018

The House Memo, the FBI and FISA
Progressives suddenly don't care about wiretap applications.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

Is Trump a Guilty Pleasure?
It depends on your priorities.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

The Mystery of Trump's Lousy Polls
If he's so persuasive, why is his approval so low? Well, Michael Jordan missed a lot of baskets.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

Do Democrats Even Want a Compromise on Immigration?
Schumer and Durbin act as if they'd rather have an issue to use against the Republicans in November.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

Why Now Is the Wrong Time to Increase the Deficit
In a growing economy, the federal government should shore up its long-run fiscal position, not blow it out.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

The Problem Solvers Take On Immigration
Lawmakers are beginning to see the virtue of a two-stage approach to reform.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

What the FBI Fight Is About
A reckoning is inevitable when electorate and elite are so out of sync.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 30, 2018

And the Oscar Goes to .. . Reagan?
The film industry can start to redeem itself with Middle America.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Another House GOP Retirement
Republicans have one more open seat to defend in November.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Trump Finds a Fan in East Africa
‘I love Trump because he tells Africans frankly,' says Uganda's president.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

White House 5G Folly
Just what America doesn't need: a government internet.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Poor Chuck Schumer
The Senate Minority Leader made it to the top, but at the worst possible moment.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Cleaning Up Comey's FBI
Director Wray needs to restore the bureau's fallen reputation.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Did Fake News Lose the Vietnam War?
Journalists wrongly portrayed the Tet Offensive as a U.S. defeat and never corrected the record.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Leaving Nafta Would Cost $50 Billion a Year
America's gross domestic product is now 0.2% to 0.3% larger than it would be without the agreement.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

The War on Grades Deserves to Fail
New assessments make it almost impossible to compare schools.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

The Dems' Farrakhan Problem
If Republican lawmakers held strategy sessions with David Duke, the party would be held to account.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Beijing Attacks Hong Kong's Rule of Law
The latest outrage: a three-month jail term for 21-year-old activist Joshua Wong.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 29, 2018

Saying No to Skynet?
Trump, the FCC and the threat of government-run communications.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 28, 2018

The Truth in Trump's Vulgarity
Migrants leave their homes for a reason—often fleeing chaos from poor governance.

WSJ Opinion
Jan 25, 2018

Operation Sabotage the Memo
What are Adam Schiff, the Justice Department and the FBI trying to hide?

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