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Thurs, Sept 19th



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INSEAD Knowledge
Nov 14, 2018

The Five Key Capabilities of Effective Leadership
Don't try to find them all in one single hero.

INSEAD Knowledge
Nov 11, 2018

(Re)-Designing Organisations in the Age of Algorithms
Strategy execution still requires organisation design and development skills. But here's what it may look like in a world of big data and AI.

INSEAD Knowledge
Nov 08, 2018

The Return of Realpolitik and the Rise of Populism
The imminent departure of Chancellor Merkel concludes a dystopian era for the European Union.

INSEAD Knowledge
Nov 06, 2018

What Women on the Board Need to Know
Three INSEAD alumnae share their wisdom as board directors.

INSEAD Knowledge
Nov 04, 2018

The Four Most Prevalent Myths About Electric Cars
Breaking down the myths that hinder acceptance of electric vehicles.

INSEAD Knowledge
Nov 02, 2018

Is Your Organisation a Cult?
Beware of the cultish techniques that have crossed into the workplace.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 29, 2018

Building Gender Balance Through Behavioural Design
What can organisations do when changing mindsets isn't enough?

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 26, 2018

Fact and Fantasy About Buybacks: The International Evidence
Share repurchases are good for long-term shareholder value globally.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 24, 2018

Charities and the Investment Risks They Face
Macroeconomic changes and fraudulent behaviour pose investment challenges.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 21, 2018

Two Characteristics of Digital World Conquerors
Why some digital businesses easily take the world by storm, and others get lost in translation.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 19, 2018

How Speech Recognition Is Set to Disrupt
In the digital age, nothing stays the same for very long.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 18, 2018

Don't Discount the Competitiveness of State-Owned Multinationals
Dated notions about large state-owned MNCs need to adapt to the 21st century.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 17, 2018

Crafting Your Own Leadership Signature
How well can you adapt in an exponentially changing world?

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 15, 2018

How the Board Can Make the Most of Blockchain
The boardroom will never be the same after the rise of blockchain, nor should it.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 12, 2018

The Gift of a Global Cosmopolitan Mindset
Those who live global lives develop a psyche that enables them to tackle complex challenges.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 10, 2018

How Brands Can Stay Relevant in the Digital Age
The brands that mean the most to consumers aren't always the ones you'd expect.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 09, 2018

How Nokia Bounced Back (With the Help of the Board)
To help the former mobile giant find a radically new strategic direction, Nokia's board assumed a unique role.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 07, 2018

Why Agile May Be Fragile
The hype around Agile organisations needs some debunking, so that Agile's actual value can be salvaged.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 05, 2018

The Human Factor in Digital Transformation Projects
How the people working in government manage tech-driven innovation.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 03, 2018

The Growing Menace of Non-GAAP Measures
Firms have become increasingly brazen in their use of alternative metrics which cast their financials in a favourable light.

INSEAD Knowledge
Oct 01, 2018

The Fine Line Between Stubbornness and Stupidity
One pathway to greatness is the ability to change one's mind when proven wrong.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 27, 2018

Three Conditions for a Successful Life
"The only success that is valid is the success that comes at the end." - Jean-Claude Biver

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 26, 2018

Is It Time to Retire the Org Chart?
The boxes-and-arrows approach to organisation design may have outlived its use.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 26, 2018

The Three Principles of Wise Power
If you know how to harness the power of your mind, heart and soul, you will be wiser in the face of surprises and disruption.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 24, 2018

Lessons in Women's Empowerment from India's Female Village Leaders
The relationships and factors that influence the performance of elected representatives.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 20, 2018

The Bright Side of Busyness
Subtly reminding people how busy they are can nudge them to make virtuous choices.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 19, 2018

The Real Story Behind Uber's Exit from Southeast Asia
Uber, Grab and Go-Jek embody emerging strategies in international platform competition.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 17, 2018

Does Eating Together Improve Negotiations?
Who you share your table with may add or detract value.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 12, 2018

How Managers Can Curb Overconfidence
Taking the time to consider unknowns helps executives make better decisions.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 10, 2018

How Luxury Brands Can Combat Pop-Up Fatigue
Modern-day temporary retail blurs the line between shopping and marketing - thus demanding a strategy of its own.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 06, 2018

How These Leading CEOs Are Tackling Gender Inequality
Persistently setting new norms helps organisations battle stubborn gender imbalances.

INSEAD Knowledge
Sep 04, 2018

Why Successful Companies Usually Fail
The dynamics of corporate collapse are caused by three phenomena.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 30, 2018

How the Platform Economy Is Reshaping Global Trade
Firms and even countries will need a strategy as the world moves from pipelines to platforms.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 29, 2018

The Critical Consequences of Culture
When management's expectations inspire unethical acts.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 27, 2018

What Happens to Firms That Don't Adopt Dominant Technologies?
Firms that choose the non-dominant technology in an industry shakeout can innovate in other ways.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 24, 2018

Agile Boards of Directors: A Fad or the Future?
Some Agile principles can be counterproductive in the boardroom, while others can help.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 22, 2018

The Rise of the Red Unicorn
China is on track to absorb more venture capital than the U.S. this year.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 20, 2018

How to Coach a CEO
Successful coaching involves working with - not against - an individual's resistance.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 17, 2018

How Political Ideology Shapes Luxury Spending
Conservatives are more likely to buy luxury when they believe it can help them maintain their social position.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 16, 2018

Is Neo-Feudalism the New Nation-State?
The simultaneous rise of hyperlocal and transnational politics could fill the power vacuum left by the decline of the nation-state.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 13, 2018

Successful Family Firms Shoot for the Moon
For family firms, plotting ambitious futures is like planning a space venture.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 08, 2018

Aim for Transformation, Not Change
Transformation creates attractive futures, while change mends the past.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 07, 2018

The Number One Skill You Need
Selling may be a dirty word for some, but it's an absolutely critical skill in our personal and professional lives.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 03, 2018

KPIs Should Never Be Tied to Compensation
Monetised indicator targets too often get in the way of value creation.

INSEAD Knowledge
Aug 01, 2018

The 10-Point Stress Audit
What excessive stress looks like and what you can do about it.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 30, 2018

The Truth About Lies in Negotiations
It's a complex game of "catch me if you can".

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 27, 2018

The WTO Is Not Passé
The WTO has played a greater role in the expansion of world trade than preferential trade agreements between small groups of nations.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 26, 2018

Six Reasons CEOs Fail
Transformational leaders are the exception, not the rule.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 25, 2018

Using Play to Address Uncertainties at Work
Pop-up holding environments can help people and teams become more resilient, adaptable and cooperative.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 24, 2018

Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Motivation
Acceptance of the present moment can impact the will to work hard and get things done.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 23, 2018

Charities' Path to Financial Longevity Begins With a Manifesto
An investment policy statement should guide the work of investment committees.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 20, 2018

Lessons for Boardroom Debutantes
Three women non-executive directors share their tips for anyone aspiring to join the boardroom.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 18, 2018

How the Digital Economy Has Exacerbated Inequality
In today's markets, firms and executives with even the tiniest competitive advantage grab all the spoils.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 17, 2018

Why Venture Capitalists Should Invest Like Poker Players
No matter your level of experience, early-stage investments are considered high-risk gambles. Why not treat them as such?

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 16, 2018

A Goldilocks Framework for Attracting Funding
How social enterprises and non-profits can demonstrate their impact.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 12, 2018

The Cultural Attributes of the Most Innovative Companies
The case of China's Longfor Properties proves that "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is not a recipe for innovation.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 12, 2018

How Your Network Can Help and Hurt You
Your performance is dependent on the type of network you have.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 11, 2018

The Pursuit of Money: A Cautionary Tale
Distorted beliefs about money often have their roots in childhood.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 10, 2018

The World's Most Innovative Countries, 2018
Solving the energy/environment equation requires a significant innovation push.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 09, 2018

Unemployment Doesn't Have to Be So Damaging
Adequate government policies can eliminate the health and death hazards that usually come with business shutdowns.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 06, 2018

Do Dating Apps Really Want You to Find Love?
Matchmaking services charging a monthly fee to fill a personal or professional void are in a somewhat conflicted position.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 05, 2018

Why Power Seekers Give Advice
How giving advice makes some feel powerful and why it can be dangerous.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 04, 2018

Why Meeting Customers' Expectations Isn't Enough
Happy customers may come back, but only customers who are thrilled will recommend your product.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 03, 2018

How Testosterone Influences Men's Preferences for Luxury Products
A man's testosterone level can tell you the type of products he may gravitate towards.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jul 02, 2018

Can Private Equity Reinvent Itself as Patient Capital?
There is a rising trend against short-termism in private equity.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 27, 2018

Imagine Alternatives to Negotiate More Ambitiously
Mentally simulating an attractive alternative can provide some of the advantages that real alternatives typically offer.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 27, 2018

A Long-Term Guide to the Art of Communication
Great communicators are always practicing.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 25, 2018

The Key to Cultivating Agility in Decision Making
Decision-making excellence requires self-awareness and the ability to choose how to think in different situations.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 25, 2018

European Safe Bonds Are Unlikely to Attract Investment
The European Commission's proposal for European safe bonds (ESBies) will not entice low-rated banks away from holding risky domestic government debt.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 22, 2018

Visibly Upset at Work? Blame It on Your Passion
Attributing your emotional outbursts to passion will make you seem more competent than if you just apologise or say nothing.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 21, 2018

Am I Too Old to Switch Careers?
Eight reasons why career transitions later in life are possible despite lingering age discrimination.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 19, 2018

How Charities Can Ensure Financial Longevity
Charities should create an investment strategy to meet long-term financial liabilities.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 19, 2018

Balancing Profit and Social Welfare: Ten Ways to Do It
On the continuum between profit and social welfare, where should your firm sit?

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 18, 2018

Does Your Brain Structure Influence Your Food Choices?
Neuroanatomy may help explain why some people are better than others at resisting food temptations.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 15, 2018

How Brazil Is Cleaning Up
Leadership lessons from the centre of Operation Car Wash.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 14, 2018

When Doing Good Garners Bad Press
Firms that engage in corporate social outreach should make sure to send consistent signals.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 13, 2018

Once You Have It All, What's Next?
Where to look for answers to the existential questions many of us grapple with.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 12, 2018

ICOs and Financing Blockchain Projects
A new mechanism for financing innovation: seigniorage.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 11, 2018

What the Happiest Two-Career Couples Are Doing Differently
The conventional wisdom urging compromise and self-sacrifice leads many dual-career couples astray.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 08, 2018

What if the EU Invited Canada to Join Its Bloc?
Trump's trade war opens the door to a move that would change the geopolitical game entirely.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 07, 2018

Does a Tough Reputation Pay Off in Negotiations?
How to build the type of reputation proven to lead to better deals.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 06, 2018

Don't Reinvent the Regulatory Wheel
How internet companies under siege can learn from the finance industry.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 04, 2018

The Technologies Senior Leaders Plan to Deploy in the Coming Years
Cloud computing is expected to take a back seat to AI, big data analytics and blockchain.

INSEAD Knowledge
Jun 01, 2018

How to Hire a Rock Star Chief Marketing Officer
The ten qualities you should look for when interviewing potential CMOs for your start-up.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 30, 2018

Why Firms Should Conduct Randomized Controlled Trials
Field experiments help companies to make better decisions, while findings aid academic work.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 29, 2018

Family Business Longevity Requires Owners to Step Back
Too much centralised control puts a family business at risk when the owner-manager dies.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 28, 2018

The Best CEOs Are Ready for Crises
Leading CEOs know that a crisis could strike at any time. They're prepared and cool in the face of adversity.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 25, 2018

Life in Start-up Nation: Two Young French Entrepreneurs Speak Out
In a frantic-paced start-up scene, the primary challenge is building and managing talented teams.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 24, 2018

Business Model Innovation Comes to Private Equity
Many investment firms go beyond leveraged buyouts to build sector-specific investment ecosystems.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 22, 2018

Neuroscience-Based Product Innovation: Hype or Hope?
AI and Big Data allow innovators to leverage neuroscientific knowledge at scale to untapped markets.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 20, 2018

Are You on a Collision Course with a Workplace Rival?
Data from Formula 1 crashes explain how high-stakes collisions with rivals happen.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 18, 2018

ZhongAn's Micropremium Model: The Future of Insurance?
With scale, Chinese online insurer ZhongAn has created a market where there was none before.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 17, 2018

No End in Sight for the "New Normal" in Monetary Policy
Getting out of a low inflation environment is proving much harder than what we thought.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 16, 2018

What Can Be Done About Bullies at Work?
Stamping out bullying is an uphill battle for everyone involved.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 14, 2018

Social Support Sets Women Up for Success at Work
Organisations are investing heavily to level the playing field for professional women, but they often lack a systematic approach.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 14, 2018

Who Benefits From Transparent Pricing?
The American steel industry provides a case study on the effects of price disclosure.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 11, 2018

The 4 Es of Successful Career Transitions
A navigational framework to take ownership of your career.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 10, 2018

How Marketing Can Help Tech Start-Ups Survive
Fewer start-ups would fail if marketers had a bigger say in the 4 Ps of the marketing mix.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 09, 2018

CEOs Should Be Chief Enablement Officers
Leadership is about energising people rather than issuing orders.

INSEAD Knowledge
May 07, 2018

Ryanair: A Role Model for Europe's Banks
The industry sorely needs a low-margin, high-volume business model relentlessly focused on long-term value creation.

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iPhoneApple X unveils event Will
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Equifaxbreach how Theft could lead
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HurricaneIrma Florida retirement haven help
Targetworkers Hire holiday holidays plans
EconomicBriefing Irma
TimeNancy Gibbs Magazine Stepping Down

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