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Thurs, Sept 19th



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FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Puma/Kering: winning by spinning
Spin-off will improve Gucci owner's profitability and also benefit the sportswear group long term

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Bubble trouble and the dangers of more ‘Big Shorts'
The startling growth of SWFs and what the bond market ferret did next

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Time to double down on malaria
The fight against this global health menace has stalled, raising risk of a resurgence

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Markets Live: Tuesday, 24th April, 2018
The fight against this global health menace has stalled, raising risk of a resurgence

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Opening Quote: LSE - performance over drama; Melrose - ‘I told you so'
The fight against this global health menace has stalled, raising risk of a resurgence

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Further reading
The fight against this global health menace has stalled, raising risk of a resurgence

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Opinion today: Brexit could be stopped at customs
Staying in the customs union is an outcome that hard Brexiters regard as tantamount to betrayal

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Keep fossil fuel companies inside climate change tent
Selling extractive industry stocks is a blunt instrument that can backfire badly

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

Apple: payback time
Disappoint on the capital return and further share price jitters will follow

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 24, 2018

A complex analysis reaches same conclusion as simple one: hedge funds suck
Disappoint on the capital return and further share price jitters will follow

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Ending men-only panels is a spur to creativity
A diverse range of speakers brings valuable new perspectives to many events

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Emerging market current account surplus falls to 20-year low
Global trade patterns start to normalise with China potentially heading for deficit

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Bharti Airtel: third eye blind
Believers of this long-term story will find better entry levels in the future

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Alphabet: spend, spend, spend
Billions are being invested in ‘other' bets that may never see a payday

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Capita says it's no Serco — whatever the rights and wrongs
Matthew Vincent and Kate Burgess imagine encounter with Jon Lewis and Rupert Soames

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

The $5tn ETF market balances precariously on outdated rules
Let us create regulations that put all these investment products under one umbrella

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

The customs union is imperative for Britain's future prosperity
After Brexit the UK must keep its borders open to European trade

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Fresenius/Akorn: hard copy
German healthcare group may have had a lucky escape

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Capita: biting the bullet
Jon Lewis has secured survival but a thriving recovery is no certainty

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Prothena goes splat [Update]
Jon Lewis has secured survival but a thriving recovery is no certainty

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

HNA/equity collars: cheap trick
Buying voting rights without the outlay required of long-term investors

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Companies must start preparing for transition from Libor now
Many still seem oblivious to the fact the lending benchmark is on its last legs

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

UBS: spanked by the franc
The Swiss bank's quarterly figures were humdrum rather than glittering

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Windrush debacle overshadows Commonwealth summit
Britain faces question over immigration, identity and post-Brexit trade

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Apr 23, 2018

Art imitates life in the digital age
Complex and fragmented debate juxtaposed against a concentration of political and economic power

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 31, 2018

Trump's State of the Union speech lifted only by stagecraft
The president made the most of an autocue and applause but he lacked authenticity

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 31, 2018

Trump's words are disconnected from his actions
State of the Union call for unity comes as president attacks at home and abroad

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 31, 2018

Richard Koo likes the US corporate tax cuts
State of the Union call for unity comes as president attacks at home and abroad

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 30, 2018

The global trading system works when we all play by the rules
As China opens up to the world, its economy is already helping British businesses

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 30, 2018

Reality bites in Britain's Brexit conundrum
The UK government knows there are no good options

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 30, 2018

Dalian Wanda/Tencent: mortar bombardment
The risk is that the dominant tech group sacrifices profits for market share

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 30, 2018

BBC says ‘no evidence' of gender bias in pay of on-air presenters
The risk is that the dominant tech group sacrifices profits for market share

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 30, 2018

Opinion today: Calling time on the global order?
Trump flirts with the idea of abandoning global rules-based order that America built after the end of the second world war

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 30, 2018

In the service sector, time is a better measure of productivity
Technology is shifting the line between what is part of the economy and what is not

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 30, 2018

Uncomfortable questions for Merkel's Germany
A young writer is causing controversy with his appeals to the ‘left behind'

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

A vacuum in the UK cabinet puts Brexit transition at risk
Prevarication by the UK prime minister will only make matters worse

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

Alexei Navalny's boycott could mar Vladimir Putin's poll victory
The real contest in March is between the Russian leader and apathy

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

Ditching Theresa May will fail to alter the course of Brexit
The realities of the exit talks weigh more than the individuals who conduct them

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

In the 4G patent wars everybody loses
A ‘peace plan' can provide greater transparency and collective licensing

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

Carillion pension crisis shows problem is powers, not payouts
Trustees say contractor refused funding requests because of cash flow ‘constraints'

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

China banks: virtue brings loan reward
Investors have warmed to lenders left behind by insurance and tech rally of 2017

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

Poland's government is exploiting nationalist grievances
A parliamentary bill on Nazi war crimes has angered Israel

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

America rejects the world it made
Trump demands change but turning against rules-based order is potentially dangerous

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

America first, America left behind
Trump's globalist turn carries a whiff of desperation

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

Opinion today: Digital disruption and democracy
The lesson of this year's gathering in Davos is the increasing fragility of states confronted by changes wrought by technology

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

Fifty Million Rising by Saadia Zahidi
Muslim women are gaining economic independence and control

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

Rail: frustration grows with Britain's fragmented network
Privatisation was meant to deliver competition, innovation and improved service, but has it delivered?

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 29, 2018

What Venezuela's chaos means for the oil market
The effects of the country's collapse have begun to hit its core business

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

American dreamers are hostage to a toxic debate
Congress must find an alternative to Trump's Faustian immigration bargain

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

Europe risks being squeezed between Washington and Beijing
It must protect itself without succumbing to the lure of protectionism

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

Italy's political threat to the EU and to investors
Markets are too complacent about the parliamentary election next month

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

The dangers of digital democracy
Personalising products and services using data streams challenges liberal democracy

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

Businesses must change to help end the abuse of power
Let us use the exposure of such scandals to break down entrenched structures

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

Dollar weakness driven by monetary policy after all
Dollar has weakened in face of Fed tightening but ‘puzzle' explained by expectations about ECB policy

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

Cape Town's water crisis should be a wake-up call
Few cities are doing enough to plan for and adapt to climate change

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 28, 2018

China's HNA tries to navigate turbulent times
Once the darling of Beijing's overseas corporate expansion plan the group has fallen out of favour and faces a cash crunch

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 27, 2018

On Brexit, Jacob Rees-Mogg is right: Britain risks vassal status
During a transition period, the UK will surrender the privileges it currently enjoys

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 27, 2018

Opinion today: Removing the fig leaf of charity
The revelations of a men-only dinner at which hostesses were groped call for a fundamental cultural change in business

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 27, 2018

The satellite dish, Britain's class signifier, becomes obsolete
The end of the contentious architectural feature closes the golden age of family TV time

FT.com - Comment & Analysis
Jan 26, 2018

Low-income countries' economic convergence grinds to a halt
Poorest nations falling further behind middle-income states in GDP per capita terms

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