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Thurs, Sept 19th



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LA Times National News
Apr 24, 2018

Trump is pushing hard to reach NAFTA agreement, both with trading partners and with Congress
With critical political deadlines fast approaching, the Trump administration is racing to strike a deal on a revamped North American Free Trade Agreement by early May — with an eye toward forcing a congressional vote on a new pact by the end of the year.

After months of making little progress,...

LA Times National News
Apr 23, 2018

Man arrested in Waffle House shooting had displayed bizarre behavior in recent years, police say
Travis Reinking, who was arrested Monday on suspicion of gunning down four people at a Waffle House restaurant in Nashville, had displayed increasingly bizarre behavior in recent years, once complaining to relatives that he was being stalked by pop singer Taylor Swift.

Reinking was taken into custody...

LA Times National News
Apr 23, 2018

Fox News host Sean Hannity's real estate holdings draw scrutiny
On Feb. 6, conservative media personality Sean Hannity brought his longtime financial advisor, William Lako, on his popular radio show to talk about money.

"For 25 years, you've watched me start with nothing, right, pretty much?" Hannity asked Lako. "Yes, I did," replied Lako.

Since Hannity started...

LA Times National News
Apr 23, 2018

For Melania Trump, the shroud of invisibility lifts during a week of public attention
She is either complicit in her husband's worst instincts or a victim of them, either struggling in an anachronistic job or confidently doing precisely what she wants to do with it. Fifteen months after she became first lady, Melania Trump remains a mystery.

In the span of several days ending Tuesday,...

LA Times National News
Apr 23, 2018

Senate panel approves Mike Pompeo as secretary of State after Rand Paul flips to support
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved CIA Director Mike Pompeo as secretary of State on party lines Monday after a Republican holdout changed his mind at the last minute, avoiding an embarrassing defeat for President Trump.

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky had vowed to oppose Pompeo, but Paul...

LA Times National News
Apr 23, 2018

President's hiring and firing power at issue in Supreme Court case over SEC judges
The Supreme Court heard arguments Monday in an arcane dispute over administrative judges that poses a potentially far-reaching question about the president's power: Can such executive branch officials have independent authority to act or must they be subject to control and removal by the president?


LA Times National News
Apr 23, 2018

A FEMA program has sheltered thousands of Puerto Ricans since Hurricane Maria. But now the evacuees fear its days are numbered
Scores of calls poured in last week. Puerto Ricans displaced by Hurricane Maria were anxiously contacting lawmakers and advocates, fearful they were about to lose federal assistance that has allowed them to live in hotels since the storm ravaged the island seven months ago.

The government had warned...

LA Times National News
Apr 22, 2018

Trump bristles at criticism over planned North Korea summit
President Trump pushed back Sunday against criticism that his decision to hold face-to-face talks with North Korea's leader amounted to a major concession to Pyongyang, with no gain for Washington in return.

"Wow, we haven't given up anything," the president tweeted from his Florida resort.


LA Times National News
Apr 22, 2018

French, German leaders will bring Trump the same message: Save the Iran nuclear deal
President Trump faces a European double bill this week as a crucial deadline looms for a decision on whether to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, arriving back to back, will bring a unified message: Save the deal.

"I don't...

LA Times National News
Apr 22, 2018

Trump claims bragging rights on North Korea, but Kim also acting from position of strength
Within minutes of North Korea's announcement that it was suspending nuclear and missile tests and closing a test site, President Trump proclaimed a victory of sorts.

"Big progress!" he tweeted, eager to bask in the glow of credit for having influenced a significant reversal by a traditionally intractable...

LA Times National News
Apr 21, 2018

Barbara Bush remembered at funeral for her grit, grace and humor
Barbara Pierce Bush was remembered Saturday for the strength of character and wit that made her one of the most popular first ladies in U.S. history, as she was laid to rest by the political clan she built, including the husband and son she helped reach the presidency.

"She was our teacher and...

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

Democrats sue Trump campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks over alleged election conspiracy
Democrats gave President Trump another potential legal headache Friday, filing a federal lawsuit that alleges an illegal election conspiracy between his presidential campaign, the Russian government, the WikiLeaks organization and others.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified financial damages, probably...

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

Leakers, loyalty and Russian hookers: Comey memos allege Trump's fixations in early days
They are among the most storied memos in recent Washington history.

Under pressure from Republicans, the Justice Department on Thursday sent Congress the seven memos, spanning 15 pages, that then-FBI Director James B. Comey wrote over four months early last year about his interactions with President...

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

Federal judge delays ruling in Stormy Daniels lawsuit against Trump and his personal lawyer
A federal judge in California postponed a ruling on a request by President Trump and his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who is now the subject of a federal investigation, for a 90-day delay of a lawsuit filed against them by porn star Stormy Daniels.

U.S. District Judge S. James Otero took the...

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

From 'nut job' to 'slimeball': A timeline of Trump's insults aimed at Comey
President Trump's rhetorical attacks against James Comey, the man he fired as FBI director, have escalated in both frequency and viciousness.

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

Sen. Charles Schumer introduces measure to decriminalize marijuana
The Senate's top Democrat announced Friday that he is introducing legislation to decriminalize marijuana, the first time that a leader of either party in Congress has endorsed a rollback of one of the country's oldest drug laws.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) in a statement...

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

Trump sex scandals turn a harsh spotlight on this Beverly Hills lawyer
Most Beverly Hills lawyers are seldom accused of extortion.

For Keith M. Davidson, however, it's not so rare: He is fighting three civil suits by television personalities alleging extortion.

Davidson is the attorney who negotiated payments to porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen...

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

Brooklyn's Sunset Park, built and rebuilt by immigrants, sees change once again
Down at the water's edge in southwestern Brooklyn, in a refurbished industrial building, lines spilled out the doorways of eateries peddling $7 avocado toast and $12 pulled pork sandwiches.

On this cold winter's day, families lunched at tables inside faux-Native American tents set up in an outdoor...

LA Times National News
Apr 20, 2018

The Trump administration sure does sell books
In any other administration, the news regarding North Korea — a secret mission by the CIA director to meet with Kim Jong Un, followed by tantalizing hints of North Korean negotiating flexibility — would have blotted out all other topics this week.

This being the Trump administration, the Korea...

LA Times National News
Apr 19, 2018

Trump hires Giuliani and two other lawyers in effort to rebuild his legal team
President Trump hired New York's former mayor, Rudolph W. Giuliani, as one of his new lawyers Thursday, turning to one of his oldest political allies as two federal investigations have reached deep into his inner circle.

Trump said Giuliani would help him left the cloud of investigations that has...

LA Times National News
Apr 19, 2018

Judge bars government from sending a U.S. citizen captured in Syria to Saudi Arabia
Trying to find its way out of a legal thicket, the Trump administration wants to send to Saudi Arabia a U.S. citizen who was captured on the battlefield in Syria last fall and is suspected of supporting Islamic State.

Lawyers for the American, who is identified only as John Doe in court papers,...

LA Times National News
Apr 19, 2018

Starbucks is closing thousands of stores for racial bias training. Will it work?
Next month, the nation's biggest coffee chain will close thousands of its U.S. stores for an afternoon to tell 175,000 employees that they may have been racist without realizing it.

That is the premise behind at least 8,000 "racial-bias education" seminars that Starbucks will hold May 29 at its...

LA Times National News
Apr 19, 2018

Internal report that McCabe misled investigators sent to criminal prosecutors
Andrew McCabe, the FBI official who became a target for President Trump, now faces the possibility of criminal charges — the latest fallout from an internal watchdog report that found he lied to investigators.

The findings of that report, by the inspector general of the Justice Department, were...

LA Times National News
Apr 19, 2018

Prosecutors suspected Manafort was a 'back channel' between Trump campaign and Russia
Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, came under scrutiny by the special counsel because prosecutors suspected he might be a back channel between the Trump campaign and Russian efforts to interfere in the U.S. election, a Justice Department lawyer said Thursday.

The disclosure...

LA Times National News
Apr 19, 2018

Conclusion: Prince didn't know he was taking fentanyl; nobody charged in his death
No criminal charges will be filed against the doctor and other associates who gave pain pills to Prince before the music megastar died of an accidental opioid overdose, officials announced Thursday.

The doctor, who maintains his innocence and continues to practice, agreed to pay a $30,000 civil...

LA Times National News
Jan 31, 2018

In State of the Union speech, a milder-sounding Trump leans on the same divisive issues
President Trump opened his State of the Union speech Tuesday night with a plea for unity forged on common ground. By the end of his address, it was clear how little he would give up for it.

Trump said he was "extending an open hand" to opposition Democrats gathered in the chamber. By the end of...

LA Times National News
Jan 31, 2018

Porn actress Stormy Daniels jokes with Jimmy Kimmel about sex with Trump
Porn actress Stormy Daniels stopped just short of saying on television Tuesday night that she had sex with President Trump in the early days of his marriage to Melania Trump.

In an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Daniels said she did not authorize a signed statement under her name denying the...

LA Times National News
Jan 31, 2018

In State of Union, Trump calls for unity in hopes of altering a threatening tide
President Trump tried to shed the polarizing image and words that have stunted his popularity and thwarted his ability to pass bipartisan legislation, recasting himself on Tuesday as a unifying figure in his first State of the Union address.

"Tonight, I call upon all of us to set aside our differences,...

LA Times National News
Jan 31, 2018

Dueling Trumps deliver a State of the Union speech likely to widen a deep partisan divide
For over an hour Tuesday night, Presidential Trump vied with pugnacious Trump.

The White House had promised a conciliatory and uplifting State of the Union address, which stood to reason. It's one thing to inveigh against the mess Trump said he inherited a year ago and another to laud the job he...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Live analysis and video: Trump's first State of the Union address
President Trump gave his first State of the Union address on Monday as our political reporters and editors gave their analysis and commentary. See more of our coverage and our fact checks. David Lauter And that, Brian, will be a theme we'll be returning to throughout the year. Well, we've heard...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Fact check: What Trump got wrong in his State of the Union address
President Trump likes to boast about the records he has achieved, but there's at least one mark the White House tries to downplay - the president has amassed an unprecedented number of inaccurate statements. The Times' staff analyzed the State of the Union on Tuesday to try to separate truths from...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Nevada Gaming Control Board's first female chief opens investigation into Steve Wynn sexual misconduct allegations
The Nevada board that regulates gambling announced Tuesday that it was opening an investigation into sweeping claims of sexual misconduct by casino mogul Steve Wynn.

The announcement by the powerful Nevada Gaming Control Board came four days after the Wall Street Journal published a story that...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Four months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico struggles with lack of electricity, food and water
It's been more than four months since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, packing winds that flattened thousands of homes, killed scores of people and severely damaged the island's infrastructure.

Though criticized for what some island residents said was a slow, inadequate response, the Federal...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

The State of the Union transcript, annotated
Times journalists are annotating this speech. If you see a passage highlighted in yellow, you can click on it to see what we have to say about it. You can also highlight passages and leave your own comments.

Below are the remarks as prepared for delivery:

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Warrants in Las Vegas mass shooting reveal name of additional 'person of interest'
Authorities were looking into an additional "person of interest" following the mass shooting in Las Vegas that killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others, according to search warrants unsealed by a Nevada judge Tuesday.

Though Stephen Paddock has been identified as the lone gunman in the Oct....

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Hawaii employee who sent alert thought real missile was incoming; state emergency manager resigns
Hawaii's state emergency manager resigned Tuesday after officials said a recent false alarm warning of an incoming missile was triggered by an employee who got confused during an unplanned drill and thought the state was really under attack.

State and federal inquiries into the Jan. 13 incident...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Excerpts from Trump's first State of the Union address
President Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address Tuesday night. The White House released the following excerpts ahead of the speech.

Trump seeks to set the agenda for his second year, hoping to alter a threatening tide »

Together, we are building a safe, strong and proud America.


LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel gives porn star Stormy Daniels a chance to dish on Trump
Porn actress Stormy Daniels will spice up the commentary after Tuesday night's State of the Union address with an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," but expect more winking than talking about her alleged affair with President Trump.

When Daniels sat down last week for an on-camera interview with...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Trump's first State of the Union address: Some things to look for
President Trump is known for breaking norms, but on Tuesday night he complies with a century-old tradition — delivering his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress, as well as the Supreme Court, foreign diplomats and a national television audience. Nearly a year ago, he...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

From silent dispatch to televised spectacle — how the State of the Union has evolved
President Trump has spent the last year trampling many of the courtesies and customs associated with his office and the swampy bog, Washington, D.C., he now calls home.

But there is one ritual that holds fast: the State of the Union address, set for delivery Tuesday night to a joint session of...

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Fact-checking the economic claims Trump is likely to make in his State of the Union address
Americans probably will hear a lot about the economy in President Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday. Here's context for some of the comments he's likely to make, based on his recent public statements.

LA Times National News
Jan 30, 2018

Arizona exposes danger for GOP in 2018 primaries: Embracing Trump could backfire
Former combat pilot Martha McSally was put off by Donald Trump when he ran for president.

The Republican congresswoman from Tucson called his boasts of sexually assaulting women disgusting. She opposed his plan to stop Muslims from entering the United States. She condemned his threat to ditch European...

LA Times National News
Jan 29, 2018

Trump the pitchman: A prime-time hour to sell his vision and lift his poll numbers
President Trump will try to bring his pitchman's A-game to his first State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress and a national television audience, though even the strongest performance may not sway many voters.

Trump will have about 60 minutes of prime time Tuesday night to...

LA Times National News
Jan 29, 2018

With Trump under investigation, Republicans crank up heat on the investigators, vote to release controversial memo
As President Trump seethes about the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, he's been able to count on rock-solid support from his Republican allies in Congress, who, amplified by conservative commentators on Fox News, have increasingly labored in recent weeks to raise public doubts...

LA Times National News
Jan 29, 2018

Trump administration reopens door to some refugees, but says vetting will be tough
The Trump administration says it will lift a partial ban on refugees from 11 countries, but subject them to tough new security measures before allowing them to enter the U.S.

In October, Trump ordered an effective freeze for 90 days on new refugees coming from what the administration termed "high-risk"...

LA Times National News
Jan 29, 2018

After six rounds of NAFTA talks, there are glimmers of hope, but all sides are still far apart
President Trump's chief trade official Monday offered a modicum of optimism about the ongoing talks to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement, even as he shot down two key Canadian proposals and blasted a recent trade action by Canada as a "massive attack on all of our trade laws."


LA Times National News
Jan 28, 2018

After police killed LaVoy Finicum, Jeanette Finicum takes up her husband's cause and his work
Before the police shot and killed her husband, Jeanette Finicum didn't know anything about ranching.

Since then, she's learned how to castrate cattle, drive a backhoe and a forklift — the kind of work her husband, Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, used to do, before he joined the ill-fated armed occupation...

LA Times National News
Jan 28, 2018

Republican senators call for special counsel to be protected in wake of Trump's continued attacks
Despite new protestations from the White House that President Trump has no plans to fire Robert S. Mueller III, two leading Republican senators on Sunday called for legislation to protect the special counsel leading the Russia investigation.

"I've got legislation protecting Mr. Mueller, and I'll...

LA Times National News
Jan 28, 2018

Lake Michigan has become dramatically clearer in last 20 years — but at a steep cost
Decades ago, Lake Michigan teemed with nutrients and green algae, casting a brownish-green hue that resembled the mouth of an inland river rather than a vast, open-water lake.

Back then, the lake's swampy complexion was less than inviting to swimmers and kayakers, but it supported a robust fishing...

LA Times National News
Jan 27, 2018

Red, white and very blue, Stormy Daniels takes her road show to Las Vegas
The inside of the strip club looked festive with red, white and blue balloons tied to golden handrails. A few USA placards had been set up on tables. Patriotism and porn were about to hook up in Sin City.

For hours, the crowd inside waited. Outside, the Little Darlings' marquee burned bright in...

LA Times National News
Jan 27, 2018

Trump's State of the Union speech: Brags on the economy, demands on immigration and infrastructure
President Trump, in his first State of the Union address Tuesday night, will call for overhauling immigration and spending more on the military and infrastructure. But his vision will confront political realities and budget constraints created by Republicans' recent tax cuts, which he'll tout as...

LA Times National News
Jan 26, 2018

Trump's own actions put him at risk for obstruction — if not legally then politically
At least half a dozen times, President Trump by his actions has invited scrutiny for possible obstruction of justice in the Russia probe, and now comes a report that last year he ordered the firing of the very man investigating him.

That man, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, ultimately will...

LA Times National News
Jan 26, 2018

Kentucky lawmakers push to allow armed staff in schools following campus shooting
In response to a deadly school shooting in western Kentucky this week, some state lawmakers are pushing to pass a bill that would allow school districts to appoint campus staff members to become armed guards.

On Tuesday, authorities said a 15-year-old boy shot and killed two students and wounded...

LA Times National News
Jan 26, 2018

Here's what President Trump has done to impede and control the Russia investigation
There's a lot of disagreement over whether President Trump can or will be charged with obstruction of justice. But there's no question that he's tried to impede or control the Russia investigation. Here's a look at what he's done.

LA Times National News
Jan 26, 2018

Trump, the anti-globalist, declares America 'open for business' in Davos speech to globalists
President Trump gave his salesman's pitch for America on Friday before an international crowd of corporate and political titans, and took credit for its economic success, even as he was shadowed by fresh clouds from home about his heightened jeopardy in the Russia investigation and opposition to...

LA Times National News
Jan 26, 2018

U.S. economy slowed at year's end, once again unable to sustain 3% growth
President Trump still hasn't cracked the 3% solution for the U.S. economy.

Despite frequently boasting that his policies have caused growth to take off, government data released Friday showed the economy slowed at the end of last year after expanding at a 3% annual pace from April through September.


LA Times National News
Jan 26, 2018

Behind the radio microphone, President Trump's lawyer targets his client's tormentors
Hunched over a microphone in his radio studio, Jay Sekulow worked himself into a fury over revelations that the FBI didn't save five months of text messages between a senior agent and a lawyer who initially worked on the criminal investigation of President Trump's campaign and White House.


LA Times National News
Jan 25, 2018

Trump ordered Mueller fired last year before backing off, news report says
President Trump ordered the firing of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III last June, but he backed off after White House Counsel Donald McGahn threatened to resign, according to a report Thursday in the New York Times.

The newspaper reports that Trump demanded Mueller's firing just weeks after...

LA Times National News
Jan 25, 2018

Engineer in fatal Washington Amtrak crash says he didn't notice sign warning of excessive speed
The engineer at the throttle of an Amtrak train that flew off a curve and crashed in Washington state last month, killing three and injuring dozens, has told federal investigators he missed — or misinterpreted — a sign that might have alerted him to the passenger train's dangerous speed, nearly...

LA Times National News
Jan 25, 2018

Trump's immigration plan draws harsh reviews from left and right, and some conservatives label him 'Amnesty Don'
President Trump is testing the loyalty of his most ardent conservative supporters, proposing a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children, while demanding that Democrats support $25 billion for border security, including his proposed border...

LA Times National News
Jan 25, 2018

The Border Patrol chooses a new target: a volunteer helping migrants
It is the job of U.S. Border Patrol agents to capture people crossing into the country illegally. In Arizona this month, they chose another target: one of the many volunteers who provide food, water and other supplies aimed at helping migrants survive in the desert.

Scott Warren, 35, a faculty...

LA Times National News
Jan 25, 2018

Less than 3 miles from mass shooting in Las Vegas, a gun show unfolds
The machine gun dealer was drinking his quad shot white mocha in the Starbucks at the Sands Expo Center, searching for his friend.

It took a few minutes, a few quick texts but then Jonathan Babb saw Matthew Ingle weaving his way past a couple of men in cowboy hats and some suits. After Ingle settled...

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