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Thurs, Sept 19th



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Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

U.S. military could lose a war to China or Russia, commission warns
A bipartisan commission created to evaluate the Trump administration's defense strategy found that the United States has lost its military edge to a dangerous degree.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

A minivan was towed to a city lot. The next morning, workers found a crying 4-year-old inside.
Milwaukee City Engineer Jeff Polenske said "apparently the girl was obviously very upset and crying — something that none of us would like to have happen to any of our children."

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

The Health 202: FDA chief defends crackdown on e-cigarettes despite conservative criticism
Scott Gottlieb rebuked his "former friends in the libertarian community."

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

Why these middle schoolers flock to a 95-year-old man and his well-worn proverbs each morning
"The more I stood out there to greet the kids, the more they responded," said Wally Richardson, 95. "And when they started memorizing my Wallyisms, I knew that it was worth it. They were taking it to heart."

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

Police think Alexa may have witnessed a New Hampshire double homicide. Now they want Amazon to turn her over.
A judge has ordered Amazon to turn over any recordings an Echo device may have made the day two women were killed.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

Yale's classrooms were full of men. Then the first female undergrads enrolled.
Fifty years ago, on Nov. 14, 1968, Yale announced it would become co-ed. The first women to enroll would change the school forever.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

‘Rapid release' Tylenol gelcaps are slower to dissolve than cheaper tablets, study finds
The study shows just one way that marketing messages on over-the-counter medicines can mislead consumers.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

Apocalyptic images show the unfathomable devastation caused by California's deadly Camp Fire
"Ninety-five percent of the town is gone," Paradise council member Michael Zuccolillo said.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

Rome won't fix the sex abuse crisis in U.S. churches. Let U.S. lay Catholics try.
American Catholics are better positioned to address the sexual abuse scandal in the church than the distant, autocratic Vatican.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

Can CNN beat the White House in court? Look to the case 40 years ago of a loner journalist named Robert Sherrill.
A case cited in CNN's complaint against Trump points to an important precursor that holds clues about the viability of the First Amendment claim.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

Shot in the neck at 17, this is the trauma surgeon now leading doctors against gun violence and the NRA
Joseph Sakran became a trauma surgeon because he wanted to give gunshot wound victims the same second chance that he got, he said.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 14, 2018

U.S. military edge has eroded to ‘a dangerous degree,' study for Congress finds
Commission evaluating defense strategy warns United States "might struggle to win, or perhaps lose, a war against China or Russia."

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

The CIA explored using a ‘truth-serum' on terrorism detainees after 9/11, newly released report shows
Agency doctors explored whether "drug-based interviews" would make for a less harsh alternative to practices like sleep deprivation, small-space confinement and waterboarding that the CIA employed in the years after 9/11.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

For Trump, even disaster response is colored in red and blue
California has been a leader in the resistance to Trump, and his disdain for it has been evident during repeated bouts of wildfires and other difficulties.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

Nearly three years after ‘execution-style' killing of family, four charged with murder, police say
A family of four was arrested Tuesday in connection with the 2016 killing of eight members of another family in Pike County, Ohio, state Attorney General Mike DeWine announced.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

As El Chapo trial opens, attorneys offer contrasting portraits of ‘mythological' drug lord
A Brooklyn courthouse is under heavy security as opening arguments commence for the accused cartel leader.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

Bishops are conflicted about how they need to change to reduce sexual abuse
Bishops aren't allowed to vote on anything binding but are forging ahead with discussions.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

EPA to weigh tougher pollution standards for heavy-duty trucks
"This is a positive step and may be the first thing this EPA has done that will actually reduce air pollution," said one environmental advocate.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

Disney World banned a man who waved ‘Trump 2020' banner on Splash Mountain
Dion Cini said he was banned after waving two separate pro-Trump banners on rides at Walt Disney World Resort.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

That flaming whirl in the Woolsey Fire — was it actually a firenado?
A close inspection of the video shows it might have been something more like a landspout.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

Wildlife fled the sky and bees went silent during the 2017 total solar eclipse
Scientists have observed animals during eclipses for centuries, but the 2017 event offered the most sophisticated insights yet.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

EPA to consider tougher pollution standards for heavy-duty trucks
"This is a positive step and may be the first thing this EPA has done that will actually reduce air pollution," said one environmental advocate.

Washington Post Nation
Nov 13, 2018

LGBT asylum seekers are first to reach the U.S. border from the caravan. Now they wait.
The group has taken up shelter in a rented home in Tijuana. The rest of the caravan is still days away.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

NASA baffled by mysterious ice circles in the Arctic
Scientists hypothesize that the holes could be formed by convection or by seals looking for a place to take a breather.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

'Tase me, and you'll see what happens,' an American Airlines passenger said. Police did — 10 times.
A tour de force of plane drama grounded American Airlines Flight 2446 in Miami.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Trump administration official says it's a 'top priority' to improve U.S. weather forecasting model
In exclusive interview, leading NOAA official Neil Jacobs discusses weather priorities under President Trump.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Why don't I see a doctor when I visit the doctor's office?
A shortage of physicians explains why medical care is delivered by a variety of practitioners.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

The world needs to store billions of tons of carbon. It could start in a surprising place.
The ethanol industry is environmentally controversial, but now it may have a big opportunity to cut its emissions.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Scott Pruitt wades into a fraught science debate, declaring biomass burning 'carbon neutral'
Scientists aren't sure that's true.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Rod Rosenstein argues first case before the Supreme Court
The deputy attorney general, under fire from President Trump, defended the administration in a sentencing case.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Veteran receives penis and scrotum transplant in surgery doctors say is a medical first
An Afghanistan war veteran who had his genitals blown off by a roadside bomb has become the recipient of one of the world's first transplants of its kind.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Waffle House shooting suspect Travis Reinking arrested, refusing to answer questions, police say
Police spent nearly 36 hours searching for the gunman they said killed four people in a Nashville Waffle House.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

'I thought I was done': George H.W. Bush faced death at 20 during WWII
The oldest living president barely survived being shot down over the Pacific as a Navy aviator.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

NRA supporters are blowing up Yeti coolers. Yeti says it's all a big mistake.
Yeti says the NRA inaccurately told members the company was distancing itself from the organization.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Pearson conducts experiment on thousands of college students without their knowledge
Here are details of the 'social-psychological' experiment.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

For the second time in six months, Tennessee community experiences a mass shooting
First a church, now a Waffle House: Community on Nashville's outskirts shaken by attacks.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

For the first time in years, new groups may vie to run organ transplant network
But potential bidders say the government, which awards the contract to operate the complex system, is putting obstacles in their way.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

FDA cracks down on sales of Juul, other e-cigarettes to youth
The agency said it has already sent 40 warning letters citing violations of federal law.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

A woman was tackled by officers at an Alabama Waffle House. Police are defending the arrest.
Police and Waffle House officials suggest law-enforcement intervention was appropriate, even as a viral video draws comparisons to another high-profile arrest of black Americans.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Waffle House: America's all-night stage
Their ubiquity comes with an underbelly.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Veteran receives male genital transplant in surgery doctors hail as a medical first
Doctors said they hoped that the patient, an Afghanistan war veteran injured by a roadside bomb, would regain "near-normal" urinary and sexual functions.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Supreme Court considers power of federal agencies' judges and who should appoint them
The case involves a decision by a Securities and Exchange Commission administrative law judge to fine an investor $300,000 for a strategy he pitched at seminars.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Inside the secret U.S. stockpile meant to save us all in a bioterror attack
The Trump administration's plan to shift oversight of the Strategic National Stockpile is raising concerns about its ability to deliver lifesaving medical supplies "the last mile" to people in need.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Pruitt to unveil controversial ‘transparency' rule limiting what research EPA can use
The change would only allow the Environmental Protection Agency to consider studies for which the underlying data are available publicly.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

Source of E. coli-contaminated romaine lettuce still a mystery, FDA says
Sickened prisoners in Alaska provided a clue to the outbreak that led the CDC to advise consumers to throw out romaine lettuce from the Yuma, Ariz., region, a major winter growing area.

Washington Post Nation
Apr 24, 2018

There are holes in this vast sheet of Arctic ice. Scientists can't figure out what they are.
"I don't recall seeing this sort of thing elsewhere," one researcher said. Then came the hypotheses.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

A former stripper wants a pardon from Missouri's governor after they were accused of the same crime
The man recorded sexual encounters in a camera hidden in a clock radio. Nearly two decades later, he says he's still affected by his conviction.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Employers can't discriminate based on sexual orientation, court says, dealing loss to Trump administration
The Justice Department had argued that provisions in the Civil Rights Act did not apply to sexual orientation.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Malcolm X didn't fear being killed: 'I live like a man who is dead already'
A new Smithsonian Channel documentary, 'The Lost Tapes: Malcolm X,' features rare archival footage, including a recording of the gunfire during his assassination in 1965.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

DeVos moves to delay Obama-era rule on minority special-education students
She is pushing implementation back two years — that is, if she doesn't wind up scrapping it altogether.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Florida sheriff faces intensifying political scrutiny, calls to resign in wake of school shooting
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel's department missed warning signs about the alleged shooter, and the first response has come into question. Supporters say the criticism is political.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

'They're doing what they think they need to do': West Virginia teachers continue strike
"They are out again tomorrow, some will be at the Capitol. Some will be on picket lines," said Kym Randolph, West Virginia Education Association director of communication.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

White House meets with veterans groups amid dispute at VA, tension over access to health care
Chief of Staff John F. Kelly told those in attendance the president supports VA Secretary David Shulkin, whose future in the administration was called into question this month.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Police: Jets player drove wrong way in Lincoln Tunnel while drunk and caused crash
Four people were reportedly treated for minor injuries in the incident, for which first-year linebacker Dylan Donahue was charged with DWI and reckless driving.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

The NRA's flip-flop on federal mandates for states in gun background checks
The NRA is worried about a background check system for gun buyers, but it once tried to torpedo that system in the courts.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

The Health 202: 'Dreamers' have yet another worry: Losing their health coverage
The Supreme Court decision has indefinitely delayed that possibility, too.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Anti-Semitic incidents soared in 2017, marking nation's largest single-year increase, report finds
Vandalism, harassment and assault has surged by 60 percent in Trump era, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Bystanders were horrified. But my son has autism, and I was desperate.
There is nothing anyone could have said that would have convinced me my son was anything other than worthy of these extreme measures

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

For the first time since Columbine, most Americans believe mass shootings can be stopped
If it feels as if this time is different, it's because it may well be.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Most successful middle school dropouts aren't like Jennifer Lawrence
There are 12 million Americans with only a middle school education or less. One of them is in "X-Men" and won an Oscar. What about the others?

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

He had been outing suspected drug dealers on Facebook Live. Then a gunman entered the frame.
The last minutes of Prentis Robinson's final video showed treetops, the sky and a brief flash of a fleeing suspect.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Idaho tests the bounds of skirting Affordable Care Act insurance rules
Federal health officials won't say whether they will allow alternative health plans that many experts contend are illegal.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

As Trump puts longtime personal pilot on shortlist to head FAA, agency faces biggest challenges in decades
Debate over the instinct to elevate close associates comes as air safety agency pursues far-reaching modernization of the U.S. aviation system

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Drug rehab 'mogul' convicted of sexually assaulting 7 female patients at treatment centers
Christopher Bathum also is charged in a $175 million fraudulent health-care billing scheme.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Central federal jobs site tightens security controls
Two-factor authentication is now required for accessing the USAJobs portal, which on average includes 20,000 vacancies.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Alien life could thrive in a place like Saturn's icy moon, experiment shows
Tiny colonies of microbes that dwell near our planet's hydrothermal vents can tolerate a simulated habitat, according to a new report.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

Supreme Court throws out ruling that said detained immigrants deserve bond hearings
Conservative majority says law doesn't provide even those held for years a bail review.

Washington Post Nation
Feb 27, 2018

NBC's questioning of Ivanka Trump was more than appropriate. It should be just the start.
Journalists must do a better job pinning down government officials in this slippery administration.

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