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NewsweekJun 07, 2016
Watch: Banksy Painted a Mural on a School Wall
Banksy, the U.K.-based graffiti artist, has left a surprise mural on the walls of an elementary school in Bristol, England. Bridge Farm Primary, in the artist''s home town, recently named a school house after him.

The painting depicts a stick-figure school girl running, hitting a burning tire with a stick along the 14ft wall. A spokesman for Banksy told BBC News that the mural, which was accompanied by a letter from the artist himself, is genuine.

The handwritten letter read: 'Dear Bridge Farm School, thanks for your letter and naming a house after me. Please have a picture, and if you don't like it, feel free to add stuff. I'm sure the teachers won't mind. Remember, it's always easier to get forgiveness than permission. Much love, Banksy.'

'I think it went up over the weekend, and completed last night, but we're not entirely sure,' headteacher Geoff Mason told The Bristol Post. 'It was done after we ran a competition to change the house names, and we decided to name them after Bristol legends. We had to include Banksy.' Mason added that he has 'no plans to sell it [the mural],' BBC News reports.

Banksy Strikes Again, Leaves Mark on School Wall (MSNBC Int'l News)
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