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NewsweekJun 07, 2016
U.K. Authorities Call for Vigilance at Euro 2016
British authorities have warned football fans travelling to the Euro 2016 tournament in France to be on their guard 'at all times.'

In travel advice updated Tuesday, Britain''s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said that 'there is a high threat from terrorism' in France. It added: 'During Euro 2016, stadiums, fan zones, venues broadcasting the tournament and transport hubs and links represent potential targets for terrorist attacks.'

'You should be vigilant at all times, especially in areas hosting Euro 2016 events, and follow the advice of local French authorities,' the advice said.

'Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups, and recent French military intervention against Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL), the French government has warned the public to be especially vigilant and has reinforced its security measures.'

It also noted that flooding, which has swept France and Germany in recent days, is affecting road and rail travel.

The updated guidance comes after Ukranian authorities said they had prevented 15 potential attacks after a arresting a suspect thought to be targeting the games.

Strikes and demonstrations against planned changes to the country''s labor laws had also sparked fears about disrupting the tournament.

BBC News Front Page | WorldJun 06, 2016
Frenchman 'planned attacks in Euro 2016'
A Frenchman detained with a large cache of arms was planning mass attacks during the Euro 2016 tournament in France, Ukraine's security agency says.

MSNBC Int'l NewsJun 06, 2016
Ukraine Says It Foiled Series of 15 Terror Attacks in France
Ukraine said a suspected terrorist was arrested with a haul of weapons and planned to attack France during the Euro 2016 soccer championship.

FT.com - EuropeJun 06, 2016
Ukraine thwarts Euro 2016 terror plot
Kiev claims to have arrested suspect targeting football championships

NewsweekJun 06, 2016
Ukraine Has 'Prevented' 15 Extremist Attacks at Euro 2016
Ukrainian authorities claim to have prevented 15 planned attacks that would have targeted the Euro 2016 football tournament in France.

Vasily Gritsak, head of Ukraine's state security service (SBU), said a French citizen detained last month at the border between Ukraine and Poland had been planning a string of attacks aimed at the championship.

The Frenchman was arrested after allegedly making contact with illegal armed groups to buy guns and explosives, Sky News reported.

'The Frenchman spoke negatively about his government's actions, mass immigration, the spread of Islam and globalization, and also talked about plans to carry out several terrorist attacks,' Gritsak told journalists, saying that alleged planned targets included Jewish and Muslim places of worship, Euronews reported.

'The SBU was able to prevent a series of 15 acts of terror [planned] for the eve and during the Euro soccer championship,' he said.

France has faced no shortage of problems in the run-up to the competition. Beyond security fears—tensions remain high in Paris following two large-scale attacks on the capital in November 2015—floods have swept parts of the country, and widespread strikes have threatened power and transport links.

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