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Thurs, Sept 19th



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AV Club FilmsJun 06, 2016
Newswire: Weekend Box Office: Cowa-bummer, dude
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows—the sequel to the 2014 movie that boldly reimagined the popular pizza-loving chelonians as nightmarish monstrosities with nostrils, lips, and the physique of golden-age Muscle Beach bodybuilder Chuck Ahrens—topped the domestic box office this weekend with $35.3 million. That''s a lot less than its predecessor''s $65.5 million opening weekend, a steep drop that could be chalked up to today''s smartphone-addled youth no longer being able to relate to the experience of projecting human emotions on to the glassy stare of a pet turtle. (That, or the fact that that a large portion of its potential audience has seen the previous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and isn''t looking for a repeat.)

That put fellow 'comic-book-based franchise entry with a cheerless subtitle' X-Men: Apocalypse in the No. 2 spot with an estimated $22.3 million; the ...

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